[quote=@Burning Kitty] It definitely won't be a rehash. The third quest in the movie for the keys (video games) was boring only made interested by the corporate war. The quest itself needs to be interesting. [/quote] Just for reference the quests in the book were a lot longer and had multiple parts. The third quest in the movie is only the final, final part of the book's third quest. We still shouldn't do a rehash though. [quote=@Burning Kitty] Everyone can definitely make suggestions. Some artifacts may not be allowed until higher levels if at all. Some may be unique, some may be acquired multiple times (common), there may be artifacts that have both a unique and common version (Master Chief's MJOLNIR armor versus MJOLNIR armor). I might not allow every feature of said item to be allowed for the artifact version or may restrict certain features to higher levels. [/quote] I think artefacts by definition are unique, whereas everything else is just a regular item. That's just me being pedantic though, it doesn't really matter what we call them. The movie made artefacts seems a lot more common than they should be, because they were trying to cram as much stuff in visually as possible. I think they pretty much all are earned as part of a hidden quest or something originally, before being put up for auction or entering the wild when the owner dies and loses everything. You don't just buy the Cataclysm from the in-game store. If your character has a unique artefact I think there should probably be an explanation in your profile as to how you got it, either as part of your significant quest or other notable information. Something else that was in the book and not the movie, that may be interesting to use, is the idea of magic/technology specific zones. In the book all items are classified as either magic, technology or neither (say just a regular sword) and zones are either non-combat, magic, technology or both. In a non-combat zone all items and atrefacts are disabled, it is a safe zone. In a magic zone stuff like lightsabers wouldn't work, in a technology zone a wizards staff would be useless and some zones allow you to use everything without restriction. [quote=@Burning Kitty] May restrict certain features to higher levels. [/quote] If we were to set this in the Ready Player One universe there would be no levels. Strength is determined by equipment only. Sorry for the wall of text and sorry if it sounds like I'm being negative or overly critical. I'm more just trying to provide information about the setting because you have only seen the movie and there was a lot of stuff in the book that explained the world that was wasn't included.