[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bwx0May.png?1[/img][/center][hr][color=f046cb]"Aah~mm!"[/color] Her lips eagerly wrapped around her fork as a small sliver of cake vanished from the untarnished metal. A crumb sticking to the corner of her mouth before immediately being dabbed away with her cloth resting in her other hand for just such an occasion. Truly, nothing could keep her from her devilish dessert as she was hurried along to the auditorium. She walked slowly, cake in hand. Savoring each bite and she followed along the mass of beings eager for a good seat. But she didn't care so much about them; eventually making her way to the side lines sometime in the midst of the demon loli's speech. Another satisfactory sound escaped her lips with another bite. There were many reasons why each of them were gathered. Some, their bloodlust was easily detectable as they eagerly awaited for their next chance to enjoy themselves. Some were by all accounts bored by the formal speech rewarding our very deeds, and some were filled by a sense of duty or accomplishment. Whichever their case, it was almost of no concern to the cutest little girl in the school. Almost. One by one, she eyed her peers; watching them traverse the portal into a mystery land of untold pleasure. There was definitely no shortage of variety when it came to her peers. From the unlife, to the demons, to the horrors of the universe; there were no end of the imagination from which these horrors came. Even a few from the human world itself had weaseled themselves into the darkness. Princess was looking for someone unique, someone exciting. Even if it was only for the rest of today, she decided it best to find another to become best friends with. She had grown a bit tired traveling with only [url=https://i.imgur.com/4zO614R.jpg]Roosevelt[/url] at her side. And there was always tomorrow should the person she picked today met with a terrible fate whilst in her company. She had a record of causing misfortune to those she took an interest in; albeit none so far had as much charm as a few of the peers she landed her eyes on in this quick gathering. With a cheery tune, she skipped into her world of recess through the portal, eager to find her new friend.