Because Mama Sep raised me right. I wanna take a minute to respond to some of the votes I got. That's all this post is, so you can skip it if you're not interested. [hr] [quote=@Lord Wraith] The John Lees Memorial MVP Award: As much as I appreciate Master Bruce's hard work and dedication to bringing one of the best RPs I have participated in within the last couple years, for me this award has to go to @Sep. There's a reason the Surfer arc was set around the Flash and that's because Sep brings heart to this RP, he's active in both the IC and OOC and he's always there to bounce ideas with and just generally a far more agreeable person than I ever could be. Both Sep and Flash and the MVPs of this RP in my eyes and I look forward to seeing more of them moving forward. There's no doubt in my mind that whatever team forms first, Flash will be a cornerstone thanks to the incredible work and dedication of Sep. [/quote] I feel like love has blinded you, and I'm totally okay with that. In seriousness, this means a lot and thankyou. I'm sure you know that while Mordens my MVP you're up there too. You've been a real help over the last couple of years everytime I join one of these games, a great person to bounce ideas off and talk too. Besides, just incase anyone got it lost in the OOC I owe you credit for putting the idea of Iris West as [i]The Flash[/i] into my head by memeing. So there is that. It gives me a confidence boost for someone who feels that his writing isn't quite up to par with everyone elses. [quote=@Byrd Man] Best Character: The Flash Wraith mentioned that Sep is the heart of the RP in a lot of ways. I agree, and would say that his Flash is close to being the heart of the IC thread. I was a bit afraid that Iris as Flash was going to be gimmicky, but Sep shut me the hell up the second he hit the ground running (pun) with Iris. I don't know if you guys know this, but he's doing something with the Reverse Flash that's gonna be great. But, seriously, you're doing an awesome job. If we get the chance to start playing villains, you best believe I'm going to take over the Rogues. [/quote] R.I.P Flash if Byrds in control of the Rogues - If anyone is wondering whats happening with them, when I felt that the 'Year One' would last a lot longer they were going to appear, but with this iteration of the game going till around September, I elected to have them be a Year Two/Season Two thing so that I could do them justice, or have Byrd take them over and kill me. Again like with Wraith, I want to say thankyou in your own little message and that I appreciate this coming from you. Iris has been a little difficult, but I feel like I'm getting into the groove with her now. [quote=@BlackSam3091] There’s a fantastic energy in this RP, and I think a lot of that can be traced back to Sep. He’s put a massive shift in, both IC and OOC, and I can’t commend him enough for the effort he’s been putting in. I’ll be honest, I was sceptical when I realised his take on Flash was going to feature Iris under the cowl, thinking that she was just going to be a gender-flipped Barry Allen, but I’m quite happy to have been proven wrong. Iris under Sep’s pen is her own woman, with her own morals and values, and while similar to Barry in some regards, is entirely unique from him in others. Couple that with his good-natured contributions in the OOC – and I do believe a healthy OOC makes a healthy RP – and you’ve got a winning combination. Keep up the great work buddy.[/quote] Again, thanks for the energy comment. I kinda feel bad getting praise for being active in the OOC when over the last four/five days I've been hella busy and not posting in the OOC. But I'll take the compliment damn it! The credit to the OOC idea was certainly [@Master Bruce] who had the good idea to have an active OOC rather than a discord, which I honestly think has made a massive difference. Everyone these days is all about Discord, before that IRCs were an active thing. It's obvious from the rate this OOC and IC has gone that something has been missing from the guild, and honestly? I think it's people. Everyone just sits in their private discord channels talking to eachother and not really roleplaying. In terms of Iris, I've been trying to avoid similarities to Barry but then even in the modern iterations I sometimes find it difficult to pick up what I need to tell how she'd act in situations, and she can't always ask Barry or Wells just because of how fast she acts. I appreciate knowing that while there are some similarities, which I too have seen, that she feels like her own character. [quote=@GreenGrenade] [@Sep]’s [b]Flash[/b] has been a fun read from the get-go, and I think that part of that has been his sheer enthusiasm. It’s just really, really fun and endearing. Iris feels natural as the Flash, and the Reverse Flash plot is damn intriguing. Keep it up, dude. [/quote] I am enthused. Thanks for the vote, I'd give you a vote but I already did that. I am sorry but I kinda used up my long, deep and emotional responses on everyone else.