My original idea was Humanity finally created a true utopia, as it was all meant to be instead of the failed versions humans always do. Humanity through gene editing has purged the undesirable (murderous, terrorist, bigotry in all forms, etc) tendencies from humanity. Humanity is bored. They live in communities in one part of the world but thanks to something like the Oasis they can work anywhere in the world. Then comes along Super Fun Guy* who adapts the Oasis like thing into a gaming environment where people can do anything they want, mostly fighting, racing, and nsfw. *Name made up for now, real name to be determined later, or that might be his avatar name. Or we could go with the dystopia where they go to Oasis to escape and have fun instead. My character will have two significant quests, feel free to have only one. All artifacts in this game can be bought or be gained as loot. The unique ones will costs an absolute fortune to buy it. The commons ones will costs a wide range of prices depending on how easily they are obtain. The only artifact that can't be bought are Clan Ships they have to be won. If a quest would typically award a clan ship and you are a part of the clan you are given a choice leave your clan and start your own or get a different unique artifact. Each clan gets their own hub a space ship. In clan hubs there is strict rules against PVP even among clan members, except under certain super strict conditions. Clan ships themselves are all non-combat ships, if your ship is based on a warship it cannot attack other ships. In certain missions ships can and do attack other ships, they just aren't clan ships. I don't know about in RP1 but in this there will definitely be Player vs AI enemies.