[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/271031448755109888/452429537993818112/AchBanner.png[/img] [h2]’Lancer Prime’[/h2] [h2]Edge of Shinto Town, in front of Troy[/h2][/center] His rage upon seeing those walls again burned strong — enough to conjure the memories of all those he had lost to them, of his dear friend who had been killed by their foremost defender. There were a lot of bad memories associated with that place, and for a hero who wore his emotions on his sleeve, it was all too easy to become lost in them. Of course, the knee jerk reaction had been to call out the only man he would have thought able to construct them in the modern era, but. . . [quote]”There’s no mud in ya face, Ach.”[/quote] His gaze flickered to the man that had addressed him, not surprised by the knowledge of his identity considering what he had done the night prior so much as confused by the familiarity in the tone. Come to think of it. . . He was rather sure he had never met this man before, but a nagging feeling on the back of his head. . . He ignored that for the moment, however. What he had said was true — his foot shifted, slightly, but he did not lower his spear. There was no way he could have gotten this close to Troy if that guy was around, at least not without paying dearly for every inch of ground, having fallen into a couple dozen pitfalls and gotten more rocks to the back of the head than he cared to admit. The walls might have withstood many assaults, but they alone weren’t even half of the defenses that protected the Trojans from their enemies. That guy had never been ‘someone who decisively won’, but he had been the sort that ‘simply did not lose’. That made him all the more annoying. Still, he was not here, and that calmed him somewhat. Seeing his figure combined with the walls themselves would have been enough to make him fly into an actual rage. If the man was to be believed, ‘that woman’ was not here, either — though that did not matter as much. Achilles was one with his fair share of regrets, and he wished to apologize, yes, but. . . “She doesn’t worry me as much,” He snorted, though there was no humor in the following smirk. “It’s only the one issue with her, but the circumstances are not right to solve it. I have my own duties — so even if she was here, I would kill her again.” After all, despite all that had occurred between them, she was not someone he had called ‘comrade’, and despite his regrets over an insult, he would not simply lay down and die. “I’d be a pretty piss-poor Servant otherwise.” What had prompted him to share those thoughts, he wondered? Usually, mentions of that girl would at best merit a brusque answer, but the odd sense of familiarity persevered — and his curiosity as to the man’s demeanor grew. Rule twenty-two. He closed his eyes for a second, feeling a memory swim just out of reach. For some reason, a shiver went down his spine. Well. [i]That[/i] was also curious. Regardless, for all that was all well and good, it was clear that the great hero if the Trojan war would not be dissuaded from his course of action so easily — those walls needed to be cracked open and shattered. Perhaps it was an inevitable outcome in this war — after all, regardless of how soundly Achilles declared his hatred of ‘fate’, Heroic Spirits were no more and no less than slaves to their own stories. However, the other Servant was in the way, and clearly not intent in just letting him walk through for whatever reason. He raised his spear just a touch, pointing it his apparent opponent. “So, just what’ll you do to stop me if I keep at it, then? You know who I am. Speaking of which. . .” Looking at the man, examining his features just a bit more closely, Achilles could say. . . “—just who the hell are [i]you[/i]?” [@Paradox Witch]