[b]Name:[/b] Kludd Wolvenbloed [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species/Race:[/b] Werewolf [b]Physical Features:[/b] Kludd is extremely tall, standing at 6'10", with a rather intimdating build. He's broad shouldered and naturally muscular without having to work too much for it, and has just a little bit more torso than leg. Lowkey thicc tho. His ears are still in the place of normal human ears, but look more wolf like. He has naturally tanned skin, with small, almost unnoticable freckles across the bridge of his nose and on his arms. His eyes are a brownish-red color, and change from just looking brown to being almost completely red depending on the lighting. He has long hair that falls in messy, wavy and loose curls down to the middle of his shoulderblades. It's dark brown, but with red tones that become more obvious in the sunlight. His hair is usually just left loose, but if it becomes impractical he'll toss it up in a hastily made bun, or if he has more time he may braid and actually style it a bit. He also has a short beard, just enough to where its not really stubble but isn't a full beard either. It and the rest of his body hair is thick and about the same color as his hair, his beard and upper body (arm and chest) hair being maybe a shade lighter, while his leg hair is about a shade darker. (why is it importaint? its not.) Outfit: Kludd wears a warm grey t-shirt with "FITE ME" printed on the chest in white text, as well as a pair of black, slightly loose fitting black cargo pants, as well as a pair of pretty worn out boots. He has two silver colored earrings in his upper left ear, and wears a pair of brown, rectangular framed glasses. [hider=This is the best image i have for now, i'll post more later once i get a better one] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/TyGkYRv6hGOQWxr42O1f9ozUQuC7gWYWRHkdCxoCEQdyc2ZTb7OGdO9pz6Wxqyp6pK3kqnuwaL9zHzb2zs4GkR9lvcp4rj_Rv9BZyrw2PBUDNPBibUPufa9e2Eibye_5BG8VB0xUK8uCKKv-UHaC248Zk8HUPcmPVEH4H3-E-M6MdUdQhc1WVjA4EsbAnoeMfr0Gao_Lo8t3bV7rFcZsIcxim0qjDqO8hq3Y-QMX-3mPxKnrhWMCHF9g1TdeLIxANevz92tO1nt9fQgw0j1UzSI6OGRu3RuuzdBKX2jL9CDfVKiq7UaEl4JqpwztRv5r2OM2CW5JSbD_ndCb9VpGu6TvWY7tuXSBXSLKgdvc0ERskbh4mp8sqCtPX-xbAyPl3nxUUGnwGXKX06BuO_sa52KW0jW2N_sP6zHx6-YfFcQeZzIDvjNTrNaemlERS_wb5C5OeaKqJdz9I4j4Qvp5I8r92OqdUOl_EQUI9i_YxNGBBPQbNs_opskHBboYU7toynQ8YilBhlchICTko-fQnsWyr4HkwIo1VU1emiRQrPfP15pVc2hnXz_Yx1K8lCbYWw0MhvzcBe3MHHS2q9wDrft7hun00KM6dkqmBkxh=w525-h700-no[/img] [/hider] [b]Weapon:[/b] He only really has a knife (I honestly dont know exactly what to call it, its like a large pocket knife and it like folds and can clip to your pocket or wherever, he keeps his clipped in the front pocket of his pants) and most of the time, he'll just go for hand to hand combat anyway. [b]Power:[/b] He doesn't really have an active power he can use willingly, but he gets some perks from being a werewolf. He has senses better than a normal person, and of course transforms into a giant wolf-beast on the full moon. He cannot control himself well in this form. Around the time of the full moon he gets stronger, even in the day, and is more prone to partial transformations, where when feeling strong emotions, his ears move to the top of his head, and he grows a tail, and his eyes may become more wolf-like. In extreme cases, his hands and feet may turn to something more akin to paws/claws, and he may grow fur up to the elbow/knee. This tends to only happen if he's fighting, and doing so pretty intensely. [b]Attitude:[/b] Generally, distant, tough, and somewhat quiet. Seems to nearly always look angry, even when he isn't. [b]Basic Personality Traits:[/b] Kludd has a very tough exterior that can be hard to break, but once you get past it, you can see that he's actually a very kind and comapassionate guy, who really cares about people. He'll do anything to keep his friends safe and cared for. He tends to be like a big brother sort of figure to those younger than him that he becomes close to. He'd rather other people be taken care of before himself, and tends to be selfless to the point of putting himself at risk sometimes. He is also always there to comfort others when they need it. However, to those he doesn't like, he is prone to outbursts of anger, and starting unnessesary fights. He is uncaring towards them, in stark contrast to how he is around friends or those who at least haven't done anything to warrant him disliking them. He tends to be suspitious of everyone when first meeting them, but can open up pretty quickly if they are genuinely kind and good to him. Once he has a bad opinion of you though, its very hard (though not impossible) to repair a relationship with him. [b]Strengths:[/b] Physically strong, good at making quick desisions, has common sense, cares about other people. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Somewhat unapproachable, can neglect himself in favor of taking care of others, can have outbursts of anger and start fights/arguments where they aren't needed.