The story so far... Alex, Isaac, Kludd, Londyn, Jasper and Ilyssa all wake up in a large living room of what they can assume to be a mansion, with no recollection of how they got there or knowledge of where this place is. Everyone gets up and starts looking around the room for a way to get out. The doors and windows lead to nothing but a void, so most people decide to look for alternative exits- trap doors and the like. Meanwhile, everyone introduces themselves. Londyn is also very upset about missing her soccer game, and Jasper seems to be constantly getting out-roboted by Isaac. While everyone is searching, Alex decides the void is totally safe and walks out there, only to fall further into it, and Kludd decides that the best use of his time is to smash through one of the walls and see if that gets them anywhere. Turns out, busting down the walls actually worked, and it leads out to the next room. Issac and Londyn go through the new "doorway" and Ilyssa stops to make sure Kludd didn't hurt himself while ramming his entire body into a wall. (It may be slightly jumbled because of the way I phrased things, but generally thats what happened. If I missed anything I or Isaac can edit it)