[@Burning Kitty] I don't particularly mind whether we call all items artefacts or just the unique stuff; I was just being pedantic and explaining my interpretation of it. I'm starting to realise that the movie gave a very different view of this world than the books did. Stuff like Mjolnir armour wasn't in the book at all, but I'm going to guess it was generic gear; I want to stress that I think unique items [i]should[/i] mostly be available only through quests or challenges, like the Gundam capsule being a reward for winning the huge deathmatch in the movie. The plot looks intriguing. So, the Stargate's (love this inclusion by the way) just act as warp points to secret locations but are initially inactive; you need to solve the riddle/clue/puzzle to get the co-ordinates to the first world, then activate the Stargate and go to the next location, presumably find the next clue and so on? My only issue with the unique setting is if this is a future utopian version of Earth then does it still make sense that Sanctuary has items and locations based on pop culture from decades or even centuries in the past? I also worry at the inclusion of levels because it seems unnecessary both in and out of universe; if Sanctuary was originally created as just a virtual world with no game elements then there would be no reason to have levels, meaning it was something added to Sanctuary after the badlands was introduced. I also don't really see it playing much of a deciding factor in fight in the RP so I just don't see a reason for it and would prefer a setting where your "power" is determined by your equipment, skill and intelligence. Other than these nitpicks I also vote for a unique setting. I also vote in favour of pets but would want to draw a distinction between pets, mounts and companions. Pets would just be, well, pets; basically a cosmetic item. Mounts would be anything sentient that you can ride, so something like a Chocobo or Shadowfax; basically another form of vehicle. Companions would be combat capable AI allies like the mechanical dog you mentioned. The latter two should be treated like artefacts, with unique and non-unique versions. ... feel free to tell me to shut up if I'm getting annoying.