[i][color=00aeef]"This man must be daft if he knows what a Space Marine is but does not know what a Sister of Battle is."[/color][/i] thought Aviza to herself, looking the strange man over, deciding what to do with him. She came to the conclusion that he could prove useful in some manner and would be recruited into her squad, willing or not. [color=00aeef]"Elisha was it? I am Celestian Superior Aviza'Norea, of the Order of the Argent Shroud, and acting Inquisitor for this mission. Since you seem to be quite capable with a firearm, I am merging you into my squad for the time being. As for the target you were hunting down, there is a very high chance that he became one of the many casualties to either the Orks or the heretic traitors."[/color] Aviza motioned with her Adrastus Bolt Caliver for Elisha to quickly follow both Nergüi and herself back to the rest of the squad. On their way back though, Aviza was voxxed by Ansgar, informing her that Ork forces were detected several levels above them, and that they were moving out with the explosives that Vala had tampered with, towards their objective. [color=00aeef]"We are heading back now with a new member to the squad. Once we regroup, we will all head towards the Warp gate together."[/color] said Aviza as she gracefully sprinted through the darkened tunnel with Nergüi and Elisha close behind. Once they arrived back with the rest of her squad, Aviza could clearly overhear Ansgar asking their sanctioned Psyker if it was still possible for her to guide them as close to the gate as possible while avoiding trouble. The heavy footsteps from Nergüi was plenty enough to announce their arrival. Aviza motioned towards Elisha with her Adrastus Bolt Caliver, [color=00aeef]"This is Elisha, he will be joining us for the rest of the duration of our mission, perhaps beyond as well."[/color] Turning to face Adrianne, Aviza now seconded the Krieger's question. [color=00aeef]"Well? What do you think, Adrianne can we take our original path to the Warp gate or are we going to have to improvise?"[/color] Breaking eye-contact but still fully listening to Adrianne, Aviza noticed that the motion tracker upon her HUD was informing her that there in fact was movement from Orks two levels above them. [color=00aeef]"If we can get the Orks to tunnel down right above the Warp gate, or at least roughly near its location, that would greatly improve the situation at hand."[/color] Aviza turned back to Adrianne and motioned towards the hallucinogenic grenade she had given the Psyker and the White Wolf, then started to pace back and forth between the two. [color=00aeef]"We need to lure the Orks to the position of the Warp gate. There are a number of ways to do accomplish this but I suggest using one of the hallucinogenic grenades to cause confusion among the ranks of the heretical forces. A well placed hallucinogenic grenade would do this quite well. The ensuing chaos would cause an adequate amount of noise, drawing the Orks to them. If it is possible, Adrianne could teleport her hallucinogenic grenade into the most densely packed group of hostiles, causing in what I assume to be an amusing free for all between the Orks and the heretics. We can wait for the fight to finish and pick off the remaining survivors, which I doubt there will be many of, or we can make use of the free for all and shoot at everything within the area."[/color] Aviza paused for a moment, glancing over at Vala and her custom explosive before addressing her squad once more. [color=00aeef]"That does bring up the question of how we are going to plant the explosive before more heretical reinforcements decide to show up. I do not want and will not allow any of you to run or sneak or try to get to the Warp gate while any of the plans above are being carried out. Doing so would undoubtedly result in that persons death. We have two options here, our local sanctioned Psyker comes into play for the first and could teleport the explosive to the gate. Our second option is to place the explosive once all the hostile forces are down and risk having a squad of Chaos Space Marines reinforce their position. Not the best two options, but the only two we have at the moment."[/color]