[center][h2][color=lightgreen]✧ Baron ✧[/color][/h2][/center] Baron knelt as Volaris appeared, stooping down to make his knee touch the floor. It wasn't difficult predicting his time of teleportation; Baron could sense Volaris' movements and their intentions a split second before he made them. Being the Guild Steward, Baron was privy to great deal of things happening within the walls of the Guild. He gave no word of affirmation regarding the Supreme Being's presence but it was clear that Baron was showing clear respect. Baron wasn't much of a talker if he could help it. [color=lightgreen]"... Your will be done."[/color] He replied in a concise manner with his surprisingly normal voice. For a being literally made out of mystery, his voice was one thing that didn't seem so unnatural. Baron knelt up only after Volaris had left his near vicinity, making sure to dust off his suit. His long limbs made it so that he had no need to bend himself down to reach his knees. Raising his left finger up into the air to cast the spell "Message", Baron took a split second considering what he wished to convey to his fellow Guildmates. [hider=Message: ALL] [color=lightgreen]The Cathedral is to be sealed completely as of this moment. Raise security level by one and post appropriate Guards at every access point in every Floor. All Guardians are to gather in the Scrying Sanctum as soon as possible, ready to report our current situation to Lord Volaris. [/color] [/hider] With his message finished and sent, Baron teleported instantaneously back to his assigned post, the Tower of Way. Although it was Colonel Stauffenberg's personal chambers which none had jurisdiction over save for him, Baron judged that with the Colonel's absence it was acceptable to trust Volaris' judgement and commands. Baron would accept the consequences gladly if he were to be proven wrong. He began to shift through the hundreds of items laid out in the gallery, activating several of them that may serve as defensive measures and using others in order to summon Monsters capable of buying time. He decided to summon 2, Level 50 Geists, due to the item being non-consumable in nature and reusable after a cooldown period. In the long-term, using the item temporarily like this will cause no permanent effects. After placing down some additional defenses, Baron shifted through a few magic items, equipping himself with 2 of them; Ring of Absolution and Chronometer of Dyson. While the items didn't belong to him, for they all belonged to his Lord and creator Stauffenberg, these were specifically assigned to Baron often during various campaigns and Baron judged them to be useful in the current situation. [color=00FFFF]asd[/color]