[@Sierra] Thanks for the feedback. Hmmm.. It's a tough sell. I'll entertain the idea of there being such a thing as dual-wield speed fighting. Chlotars do not have an inquisition per say, but they are devout enough that they are actively uprooting all forms of heathenism within their borders. Who is responsible for this uprooting? Probably the Paladins and an order of Warrior-Monks. I've not so far actually thought about it. These Warrior-Monks are probably a mix of archaic Teutonic Knight-Crusaders and proto-Inquisitors. God worship happens through a network of Temples and missionaries, and is mostly spread peacefully. But for a noble to [b]REFUSE[/b] to embrace God... well that's why your character would've been cast into the outter darkness! As for how the hell a Chlotar became a Gastald.. I think the only way this is possible is if Princess Dalgiserata convinced her father to not nail him to a tree at the sight of him. But more likely, I think your guy just never said he was a Chlotar, he might've lied about his Tribe. However the Lamperts speak a different language than the Chlotars. Let's say the Lampert language is a blend of Not!Germanic and Not!Latin. Your Chlotar, who was of fairly high birth, may have been able to speak Celesean, and so communicated with the Lamperts by speaking Celesean instead of Chlotar. Also there are reasons why the Lampert Gastalds are unable to stand up to King Dalgiserius. I will have to get to that in the OOC as well. But it comes down to; with all the Kings being Splinters of God, they each have a degree of supernatural powers that comes with that. Kings are essentially very lite demi-gods. Indeed i've not written anything about the Radbouds yet. There's a mention that they are similar to Eodaens. For all intents and purposes they are a blend of Eodaen and Chlotar. In the OOC i'll write something about them. Their existence is a small added bonus but nothing plot-relevant. Edit: [@neogreggory] Will add this to the OOC: [hider= Character Naming guide] [b]Chlotar Names:[/b] http://www.infernaldreams.com/names/Europe/Medieval/Franks.htm Names often have ‘Ch’ in them, always pronounced like K. [b]Lampert Names:[/b] http://www.infernaldreams.com/names/Europe/Medieval/Lombards.htm B’s are often turned to P’s. Bert becomes Pert. [b]Celesean Names:[/b] http://www.infernaldreams.com/names/Europe/Medieval/Byzantium.htm Male names tend to end with ‘ius’ or ‘us’. Female names with ‘ia’/’a’. [b]Eodaen Names:[/b] http://www.infernaldreams.com/names/Europe/Medieval/Anglo_Saxon.htm Use an Ae here, an Ea there… Easy. [b]Viigoc Names:[/b] http://www.infernaldreams.com/names/Europe/Medieval/Goths.htm Often a mixture of Germanic and Greek, ‘Theodulf’ being a good example. [/hider] You are allowed to make slight variations to each of these names. Just make sure they sound somewhat authentic. I made the name Cauroman up. The original Frankish name I based it on is Carloman.