[hr][hr][center][h1][color=c4df9b]Valencia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/x8Mr6UKn5CMw0w53SwHc08P3J9a.jpg[/img] [I]Location: The Framework Skills: N/A[/I][/center][hr][hr] It was going well or actually it wasn't. At first Val felt that things might be looking slightly up, but that Wonderland woman quickly got rid of the extinguisher she was choking on and spit it out. Now that was bad luck if Valencia ever saw one. She so loathed not having a gun right now. She would have shot the woman ten times in the leg by now had she had a gun, but she didn't so it was melee prep. She had to fight her wih punches and kicks, but she also realized right away she had a extinguisher she can whack her with. Yeah that was going to work. Sadly the woman didn't target her,[color=c4df9b]" Shit!"[/color] She roared, but it was already too late. She passed by them and took care of the portal user. How on earth did they let it happen just like that? Val was both furious and confused at it, but nothing to be done about it. Then things got worse as they fell prey to the illusions. SHe looked around, but couldn't see anyone. They were trapped inthe illusion. Cursing in her mind she scratched at her left hand with her nails to the point of bleeding, but hte illusion wasn't leaving which meant that pain was not going to get rid of it. That was not good, but hten she noticed she was bleeding a lot.[color=c4df9b]" Dafaq?" [/color]She cursed and tightly pressed the wound with her right hand. How on earth did she scratch a vein dammit!