The sudden onslaught of bullets was unexpected, and to say Rosalie was caught off guard was a major understatement. Her armor did the best it could trying to keep the bullets from penetrating through, but in the end, it could only do so much. Her head gear, one which was equipped with a protective double layer for additional security, had stopped the bullets dead in their tracks, with a number of them sticking halfway out of her visor. But the same couldn't be said for her body below the neck. Two bullets had fully penetrated the armor, hitting her upper right arm. Another one hit her chest, opposite her heart. Rosalie also had another wound below the center of her chest, and the last bullet had lodged right below her neck, barely missing an artery. The pain was so intense, she almost felt numb. Rosalie had fallen on her back from the impact alone, and her shallow breathing was the only sign she was alive. Regret immediately began to eat away at her, and with whatever ounce of energy she had left, she attempted to aim her weapon at her opponent to pull the trigger one last time.