Riley waved the girl away and went to her gear. ”you can thank me later right now we have to move.” she pulled on her heavy backpack and grabbed her rifle. ”the good news is that these goons are dead but the bad news is that more are on the way.” Riley double checked everything so she knew she didn't leave anything behind. She finally looked up at the kid before taking a step towards her. ” it's going to be dark soon and since I saved your ass it probably got the attention of some infected too.” Riley reloaded both her rifle and pistol before heading out the door of the apartment she was staying in. When Riley reached the stairs she heard a faint clicking sound. ”shit clickers” she muttered before pulling out her knife from her boot, she didn't want to waste any more ammo so it was stealth mode for her. Riley wasn't that great at being stealthy which was funny because you have to be stealthy to be a sniper but she did what she could to be stealthy like wearing dark clothing to hide in the shadows a bit easier. ”if you see a bottle or something that makes noise toss it into that open apartment so we can sneak past them and get the hell out of here,” she whispered.