He nodded once [color=8493ca][b]"You don't have to tell me twice."[/b][/color] Orario was the 'Adventurers' City' and that meant anyone not one of them was not treated with the same respect. It was almost a daily occurrence to see some drunken adventurer using his power to bully someone weaker. His grip on the dagger reversed as Koph slipped around him [color=8493ca][b]"That's one way of looking at it."[/b][/color] Voltaire didn't know much about being in a familia so he couldn't exactly voice an opinion. There were goblins to slay anyhow. Where Koph moved, Voltaire moved the opposite...constantly covering her exposed sides while listening to her short story "Monsters like that should not be allowed to exist." He remarked strongly, as if hinting at something else, before he dashed forward to strike at the goblin leader. He kept light on his toes allowing him to safety dodge its initial burst of attacks. At the end of the flurry, he moved in and used his unarmed fist to strike the goblin's jaw. The blow disorientated it long enough to propel his dagger forward and slice up its right chest all the way to the chin. Voltaire kicked back and moved closer to Koph again, he was relieved the golbins did not have the speed and deadly claws that the kobolds did [color=8493ca][b]"Why did you leave your tribe Koph? Um..I mean, why come to Orario?"[/b][/color] It only took a second to realize his question might have sounded a little accusatory. His eyes warily watched the goblins recovering from their hit. What was her motivation?