[@Xandrya] So looking forward to our next match, just a few bits of advice before you take me or anyone else on. 1) You're undoubtedly a talented writer but the learning curve of [b]non-collaborative writing[/b] can sometimes take a bit of getting used to. I started my RPing in the arena so it comes naturally to me, but you are writing to kick the living crap out of your opponents character not to nessecarily tell a dramatic combat story. Too often in our match did you have your character simply react to what was happening without counter attacking. 2) Be aggressive! Every post counts every action should have a reaction. If you're not constantly pressing the attack, you should be using your posts to set traps or to 'prep' bigger and more powerful attacks. Try not to use too many posts 'in a defensive stance' or 'waiting to see what your opponent will do' 3) Give your character a lot of different ways to fight, whether that be magic, abilities or gadgets. If for any reason your character is more stripped down or limited, take advantage of the environment around you, keep all of your attacks diverse and creative, make it harder for your opponent to 'write his way out' of a dangerous situation. Keep this in mind when choosing the fighters and locations. 4) Make use of the character sheets sub topic section of the guild to keep your roster of arena characters, so you can keep them nice an different from each other, and available for easy reference. You're gonna do some real damage kid, looking forward to our next bout.