Keenly aware of his surroundings the Mando warriors pressed on through corridor after corridor. The tight places where exactly the kind of room clearing the barbell wanted. Cutting down foe after foe with either the heavy pistol or his Sabre. The imperials stood little chance to get away from their impending doom. If the Barabel didn't get you, the others that followed would. Roak knew what was coming up next. The open courtyard before the safe house was going to be a problem they all knew it. The Imps would too, the last choke point, the last place to get them into the open. It was in the floor plan that they had received and Roak had spent many hours going over the layout of the building. Even going as far to building a holographic simulation of the building back at base so that he wouldn't have gotten anything mixed up. That was another thing Elder Resol instilled in them was to be prepared for anything. To be able to think and adapt, be problem solvers. Roak normally wouldn’t put that much effort into a strike, but he was well aware that if this one went smoothly then they would get much more dangerous and high profile missions. Speak the words and where the armor, and we will do great things. That’s all the old man had to tell him. That was all he needed to hear, having a purpose was all he ever wanted. The door was coming up on them quickly, they were even a little ahead of schedule. The diversion that the others were making was working. A scream overhead, the unique sound of tie fighters reminded the Mando what was at stake. Holstering his pistol and sheathing his sword he grabbed his rifle with one hand and took a cryo grenade from his belt. The courtyard was too open for his normal tactics. Bursting through the large heavy doors they were met with a peaceful sight of colorful flowers and ornate stone carvings. These beautiful sights were soon stolen by blaster fire from implaced E-Webs on the opposite side of the courtyard. The Imps had placed themselves in a rather well situated position, but he knew it wouldn’t be enough. Taking up a position next to Elder Resol Roak could only nod at his teacher as a sign of ‘ready when you are’ the Barabel would be sure to throw his grenade at the nearest position but would otherwise follow his lead with his short blaster rifle in hand.