[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/kd2u1hytt/tumblr_m61mni_Rnrl1qcwddqo1_r1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location:[/b][/color] Museum - Vera's Office [color=00ccff][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Pattern Analysis, Intuition, Deduction, Acute Observation [hr][/center] Nora nodded politely at Lauren. [color=00ccff]"It is healing nicely, I believe,"[/color] she answered softly, tempted to take out a cigarette and smoke. She hadn't smoked much the day before and it was a habit of hers, one that she picked up from evenings pouring over her arithmetic and checking for errors in calculations. It was perhaps one of the societal habits that Nora agreed with - there was something relaxing about it. She tugged slightly at her hat, her eyes flickering over towards Mahendra as he doubled over. Although his words argued that it was just a stomach pain, Nora recognized the look of immense pain on Mahendra's face. It was a pain she herself had experienced a few days ago, yet she kept it to herself. Haakon had died - perhaps this was another person being branded in order to take his place. Yet, she could not help but find it out that they had not experienced another perplexing series of dreams the night before. For now, she would allow him his privacy. Yet there was definitely a question that she would like him to answer - what did his brand resemble, if that truly was what happened? She then shook her head at Lady Munn, despite Vera asking the question to Josephine. She wasn't going to interrupt - it wasn't in her character. Yet she could not help but feel that there [i]was[/i] some danger in reading a book - chiefly if it contained information that others wished for you to not have. It reminded her of her experiences at Girton College. An educated woman was a dangerous thing, according to society. And they had been armed with books. Knowledge was a dangerous thing - and Nora was glad it was.