[hider=James Albright] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7f/4e/02/7f4e02eaa70cbfe6f723b227857f73b8.jpg[/img][/center] Name: James "Gem" Albright Age: 21 Powers: [list] [*]Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate physical matter without physically touching it. In simpler terms... he can bend spoons and pick shit up with his mind. [*]Twin Telepathy: He can communicate with his sister, Jessica, at any time if he chooses to due to their special connection. [*]Hardened Mind: While his mind can be read by his sister from the other side of the world, most telepaths find themselves unable to break into James' own mind as a result of psychological training... Though one who tries hard enough may be able to break inside that fragile skull. [/list] Position: Wait Staff Appearance: Somewhat tall and lanky, James finds little need for physical exercise when he can complete even the most basic tasks with his mind. He stands at about 6' 3" and weighs in at only 130-140 lbs. Tends to wear button downs with suit jackets, though switches a suit coat for a pea coat in the winter months. History: James and Jessica Albright have been through some of the worst shit the world could throw at a couple of kids. But they made it through all of it together. The twins of a single drug addict, James and Jessica never got to know their mother before Child Protective Services whisked them away, and the two kids were put in the system. They must have been eight when they realized they were different from other kids. The twins would sit in a room for hours never speaking a single word, except for the odd giggle. Whilst odd, the two children were lucky enough to find themselves placed within the home of the Albrights, a wealthier family living in an estate in the suburbs. James and Jessica were treated rather well, almost like royalty by their adoptive parents. It wouldn't be until the two were 12 that they realized it had been the whims and desires of his sister, who had always managed to probe the minds of their parents. See... Jess never heard random voices like one would expect. But what she could do was accidentally plant thoughts and suggestions in others' heads. It was most likely how the strange children were adopted in the first place. James, on the other hand... his abilities didn't manifest dramatically until he was in danger. The Albright's were nearly killed by the aftermath of a tense battle in which Zeus the Mighty was wreaking havoc. A stray bus came barreling towards the family's car, when suddenly it just... froze in the air. They managed to drive away before it resumed its crash into the ground, and it would only be in the following weeks when James realized it was him. He almost immediately took to learning the extents he could push his powers, having the delusion that he could one day become a hero to fight crime. Those dreams were somewhat crushed when James and Jess turned 18 in their senior year of high school. The same day as their birthday, their parents were in town making the preparations for the twins' birthday party. It was a tragic loss when the news showed devastation at the cake shop where the parents were at. It would take an hour for the kids to learn their parents were at the shop, and another hour to learn of the passing. The children, for some stroke of luck, had immeasurable wealth thrust upon them in their inheritance. Jess, who sought to change the world, set up a charity in honor of her parents and immediately began working with international relief efforts, traveling the world. James... he decided to try and go to college to become a lawyer like his father. That was until James realized he wasn't fond of "studying" and ended up dropping out of university. He ended up moving into the metropolis he grew up outside of, getting a lackluster apartment and taking classes at the community college. He wanted to at least get a degree, and figured he might as well try to transfer into the local state college within the city once graduating. To keep himself out of trouble (and skim a little alcohol here and there), James ended up applying for a job at a local club he frequented, a place where powered individuals like him felt like they could belong. He enjoyed the atmosphere, and figured at the very least he'd be able to pick up on interesting stories from various superhumans. [/hider]