[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180731/695217280e15dff8ef3a91e83ec345c5.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d96f382bfbca8a36a3d5d8c9fc2db100/tumblr_inline_p1hjup8L9s1tzobk9_540.gif[/img] [/center] Bea seemed to hesitate, staring at his hand like it was some kind of strange, foreign object. Her eyes flitted from his hand to his face, as if confused as to why he was extending it. Finally, she reached out and took his in hers. Her handshake seemed soft and hesitant. Maybe he was coming on a little too strong- it seemed like talking was a little out of her easy reach. Her fingers curled around his and he grinned again. Her grasp was light, hesitant, like she was scared he was going to pull her from her chair. [color=#6c2dff]‘It’s okay. I don’t bite,’[/color] he teased. She smiled back and it seemed to match the rest of her- timid and small. He relaxed the shake and she pulled her hand back into her lap like she was darting away from the edge of a cliff. [color=E0633C]‘I’m Beatrice Endive. Bea for short.’[/color] Endive? Like the vegetable? Bea was a nice name though. He had never known a Beatrice before. [color=#6c2dff]‘Charmed, I’m sure.’[/color] Bea looked back at the map she’d drawn, her face falling back into an impassive sheet. [color=E0633C]"To watch newbies suffer, I'm sure. Or perhaps to force people to make friends. Either way, they probably find it entertaining,"[/color] she said, answering his earlier question. He laughed. [color=#6c2dff]‘Well hey, I’m making friends. So I guess it’s working, huh?’[/color] She turned back to the front, where Gomez was pulling a large bundle of what looked disturbingly like pop quizzes from his desk draw. The classroom was almost full now and there were only a couple empty seats left at the back - the ‘troublemakers’ section. Bea turned her head back again to look at Jords, slumping like a bad mood. [color=E0633C]"You know... You don't have to force yourself to talk to me. You can just take what you need from me until you find people you like."[/color] [color=#6c2dff]‘Really? Sweet! Can I have your lunch money and your phone?’[/color] he said, letting out a barking laugh. [color=#6c2dff]‘Just joking.. What makes you think I don’t like you? I’ve only been talking to you for five minutes and it’s not like you’ve been a dick. I’m not about to turn around and ditch you as soon as I see another person walk in.’[/color]