[center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/345318975846219779/394251903728615424/Faith.gif[/img] ~ [i]She Was Right[/i] ~[/center] Faith had only one course of action. It was the only one available to her. It was the right path to take, no matter what anyone else said. It didn't matter whether what Thomas had really was an explosive, she was safe. All she needed to do was prove a point, and she'd done it, without recourse nor mercy. Everything Thomas was doing was wrong. Blackmail? Threats? He deserved this. He could either admit his bluff of get himself hurt. There was no other choice. She sat, in her confidence and the ever spreading stain of Thomas's fresh and warm blood, waiting for her victory. A genius, that's what she was. Did Thomas think he was clever with such a bluff? The holes in it were more than obvious, they were palpable and tangible, and Faith was more than happy to stab a few more into his argument until he gave up the act. Blackmail was a horrible way to go about something like this. She was right. He could have just asked nicely - what could be so important that he wouldn't want Daimyon along with him? She was right. But then Jezebel took the stage. And in the circle, among all the others at the Meeting, she called her out. That "Fear", whatever it was, crept into the back of her throat, ever word a pound of weight on a bed of eggshells. Every word. Every pause. She was right. [i]She was right.[/i] What was happening? Wasn't she right? They had no need to comply with the demands of someone like Thomas, who exploited them with threats for his own personal gain. A ticklish feeling settled at the back of her throat. It was that fear. She could feel it - Faith could feel it; they could both feel it. A kind of mirrored reflection, with every word staring back among a spider web of [i]"Her"[/i]. It hurt. It hurt. A cacophony encroached deep on her mind, drilling into parts of her brain that weren't meant to be drilled into. Maybe she wasn't listen, but she was seeing - beyond what she was supposed to see. She wasn't meant to see anything. She was right. [i]Apologise.[/i] [colour=2E2C2D]I can't.[/colour] Somewhere in the distance was a crack, a smell, a damp feeling on her flesh, and the dull echo of talking - somewhere far away. There was blood [i]everywhere[/i]. How had this happened? Did nobody even notice it happen? The regret of failure spread among blood, spreading between a tiled floor. That's right, she had failed. She had failed. She wasn't right. Faith was never right, was she? [center][colour=Gold]"Whenever I ask if you love me, you always answer right away; but when I ask if you trust me, you hesitate. Why, [url=https://media.giphy.com/media/i3Xrmkdb1UNjON0LOn/giphy.gif]▅▃▃[/url]?"[/colour][/center] [i]Apologise.[/i] [colour=2E2C2D]I can't![/colour] It was probably too late for that. It was always that grin with her, wasn't it? That god awful grin that lingered with every god awful memory of her. She was wrong. She was sorry. It didn't matter, though. As quickly as it had been drawn, the knife was slid back into her breast pocket, allowing the residual blood to spread out into the rest of her outfit. [i]It's for the best.[/i] Probably. It probably is. She didn't know what to do now. It wasn't like she was afraid of dying, but if she could have it her way... dying like this wasn't going to be her first choice. There was only one thing left to do now. [i]Apologise.[/i] Of course not, it wouldn't matter either way. She swallowed the tickling feeling - gulping down the fear that Jezebel had instilled these past weeks. What a foolish girl. [colour=DarkGreen]"Your despair doesn't mean anything."[/colour] her head titlted, not far enough to face Thomas head on, but just enough to catch him in her periphery, [colour=DarkGreen]"You're too irrational to have any measure of true despair."[/colour] And then, she turned back towards Jezebel, her eyes lingering on hers for just a little too long. They weren't looking at her though. Her piercing red eyes looked past her, beyond her, and towards the wall. [colour=DarkGreen]"If I wanted to kill you, Jez..."[/colour] she spoke quietly - less soft, though, and more in resignation, [colour=DarkGreen]"I would have done it a long time ago."[/colour] [i]Apologise.[/i] [colour=2E2C2D]...it doesn't matter anymore.[/colour] And then she fell quiet.