[b]Kludd-[/b] I was sick of fighting and everyone else was as well, so I just ignored Londyn. She can blame her anger issues all she wants, that doesn't account for recklessness and lack of foresight in normal circumstances. I didn't care if I looked like a jackass, she could take literally any responsibility for herself and her own actions. Whatever, my hands were already kinda turning into claws, so I just needed to calm down and quit thinking about it before this transformation goes any further. "Finding stuff sounds like an [i]excellent[/i] plan. There's gotta be food around here somewhere, and with any luck we can find a suitable room, hopefully one with an actual door. Once we get that all settled, we can figure out what to do next. For now, lets look in here." I made a gesture towards the new room, before taking a look back at Alex. He was a bloody mess, to say the least. Something had to be done about that, and preferably soon. Not having anything to soak up the blood, I walked with purpose into the now opened room, not looking too carefully at anything but snagging anything made of cloth that I could find. It wasn't exactly the most preferable bandage, but it'd be a whole lot better than nothing. Going back over to Alex, I found Ilyssa and Londyn there helping out. "I found some stuff, nobody has to get shirtless. Yet." Taking one of the thinner things, I wrapped it carefully around Alex's chest, tying it there securely. That'd have to stay on, even afterwords, as the scabs may start to form to it and I wasn't about to let the wounds open again. Then came putting on something thicker and applying some pressure over it, allowing it to start soaking up some of the blood.