Okay guys, I need some insight if you don't mind... So, after much deliberation and banging my head on the keyboard, I finally came up with a nice hybrid combo of three mutants: - [b]Rogue: For her "Life Drain" Power[/b] - [b]Mystique: For Shapechange[/b] - [b]Nightcrawler: For Teleportation[/b] Now, before you yell "too OP'd", hear me out bruh :D Since our PCs are supposed to be young and in the dev stages, my character is going to have limits with her power. For instance, limited shapeshifting that would be a simple alteration to her appearance (face change, skin color, etc). Teleportation would be maybe only a few meters (not sure what would make sense), and Life Drain could possibly paralyze but not kill the victim. I'm also wondering about her looks, whether she would have traits from Mystique/Nightcrawler, which would, in affect, see her with blue textured skin... Anyway, [@Ruby] has been super helpful in the initial decision making but a lot of this is still a WIP and probably the most challenging character I've done, lol. But maybe some feedback would help as well because I do like each of the characters and their powers, but obviously I want something balanced and fair :)