Hiems ran among the crowd and got to work. The air around him cooled down, and he ran past a handful of others with cold, visible vapor trailing shortly behind him. He cooled down his body, enhancing it, and eyed corners for any robots Present Mic introduced in the orientation. When he saw a 1p robot jump out of a corner, he lunged on it and ripped it into bits violently and mercilessly. He threw away a piece of its armor and looked around again in search for his next victim. Midoriya saw a locket drop out of someone's pocket. He took a moment to pick it up, catching the glimpse of the owner's long white and red hair. "Excuse me, but-" Before he could call her out she was far away from him, skidding at a corner. Midoriya halted for a moment, conflicting between just going off to find a robot and continue chasing the girl. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 'I don't really have a choice...' He thought and ran to the girl's direction. "Heeeyyyy!" He called out.