[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/342829614500151300/455989420173295626/Jack.jpg[/img] [h1]Jack Fuyuki Park[/h1][/center] [center][@Argonaut][@Cu Chulainn][/center] Negotiations had been successful. Moreso than expected, given how much he expected the Matous to begin a smear campaign against them. Riyu had to stay behind to keep her clear of any tricks a servant could pull, but the gun experience that the local offered made him decently worth bringing. Dropping his one-eyed companion onto a decently tall building facing the warehouse Jack had managed to track the kidnapping duo to with aid from his Master, the thief hopped onto the ground and began rummaging through his bag. “Nope, nope, ooh right ten tons of gold, nope, right, here we go.” Pulling out Durandal, he takes in a deep breath as he walks closer to the warehouse itself. There wasn’t exactly the time nor freedom for a proper heist. A proper casing, a successful understanding of the target, nor a solid exit plan. None of them were developed ahead of time. He had left his master farther away from the battlefield in order to keep her from potentially getting caught in the fight, but that wasn’t any sort of promise an outside force wouldn’t target her. Not after last time. Sighing, Jack twirled the blade and crouched, torso parallel to the ground. Knowledge of the target, knowledge of the dangers ahead, knowledge of the guarantee of escape- none of those had been something Jack had possessed the very first time he’d climbed that beanstalk. Breaking into an unfamiliar place, but this time, with a purpose beyond himself. Maybe even befitting that knighting he’d gotten. The doors wouldn’t exactly open up for him, though. “Guess I’ll just let myself in.” [center][@EnterTheHero][@Floodtalon][/center] A sprint- the ground he stood upon, shattered. The tiny body of the hero known as Jack became a blur, a speeding bullet crashing into the hideout of the criminal who had abducted people in the confusion of the fire, cutting with the holy blade a flurry in front of him with a strength that was unexpected of his frame. Landing with tremendous force, he cratered the ground beneath him and stretched out his free hand. A gallant thief could play at a hero if he wanted to. And all Heroes were obligated to make the proper entrance. “Theft of the Heavens.” The light blazed.