Having finished the final modification checks of his weapons and his suit, Cyne locked his gear in-place against wall-mounted locks, next to his claimed seat. With the moment to himself, he turned his gaze toward his squad mates assembled right outside the [i]Crimson Fang[/i]'s ramp. If one were to look upon Cyne in full gear, they would see the spider-like arrangement of several faintly-glowing neon green sensor scopes assorted horizontally across the upper portion of his helmet that now covered half od his face. This left only his mouth exposed for the moment before the lower jaw guard assembly would eventually lock securely once the operation started. One of the scopes zeroed-in on the both literal and metaphorical elephant-sized entity entering the hanger and brought up a zoomed in image on his HUD. Dwarfing everyone else, Gaz stomped toward their shuttle wearing what Fungai would call, with a straight face, a space suit. Cyne wouldn't have been surprised if the same was declared with an amusing toothy grin. The suit itself appeared as if it was crudely assembled with whatever was made available at the time. The 'suit' seemed nothing more than a wooden box for a helmet connected to a few interwoven bags to make up a vaguely humanoid-shaped form with a clucky-looking contraption harnessed to the back, presumably acting as the power and oxygen supply that ran back to the helmet. Cyne honestly couldn't decide if he should be impressed or insulted with how Gaz's enviro-suit could even work. By all accounts, it [i]shouldn't[/i], and yet, it did. Though Cyne certainly couldn't physically see Gaz's full expression, he could already imagine it being a proud and happy one. His sensors would also pick up on Silias and Gerad as well, showing them in more proper suits, fit to navigate the void outside the confines of the [i]Legion's End[/i]. And then Macklyn came into his sights as well, however appearing somewhat naked in comparison to the rest of the team. Perhaps better worded as ill-equipped to search through an externally compromised vessel. Despite the magically-fueled destructive potency of Macklyn's revolvers, it was conclusive by Cyne's analyzing sensor array that they would do little good where they would be going. But Cyne wasn't one to judge such a circumstance harshly. He knew Macklyn would have a work around or some other method to ensure he could keep up. He was flying his own ship after all. Just as Silas began the briefing, it was clear that most of the team were exercising their greed-fueled curiosity, expressing notions of stripping the derelict [i]Balrog[/i] of any remaining leftover trinkets and arms. Even Cyne could not pass up the attractive thought of raiding any untouched coffers that might be aboard the lost SSA vessel. It only made sense that as a mercenary company, they had to find someway to ensure they kept themselves well funded and well armed. And although he willing fell in with the group's business-related equilibrium, Cyne however ensured that his focus was trained on what ever was on that ship. He mentally created a list of scenarios of what could happen once they board the [i]Balrog[/i], ranging from traps, to unlikely pirates, or even some unknown technological force that was responsible in the vessel's demise. Either circumstance was unwelcomed but at in the long run, at least he was prepared for trouble the moment it reared it's ugly head. Having reviewed the telemetry of the [i]Balrog[/i]'s state beforehand, much of the details of the briefing were as what he had expected it to be. The plan was simple and straightforward though how it would actually by once they set foot on the derelict couldn't been anyone's guess. After ten or so minutes, everyone had boarded the [i]Crimson Fang[/i] while Macklyn commanded his [i]Lancer[/i] and immediately departed toward their fated destination. It was then Silas opened up with an intriguing forum of what could have happened to the [i]Balrog[/i] and what they could possibly find once they boarded her. Silas, unsurprisingly, opted his idea that the crew of the now-doomed SSA vessel acquired some kind of technology that was then violently reclaimed by its owners. [i]Certainly plausible[/i]. Gaz claimed that the [i]Balrog[/i] had sailed off with a hill of credits before the same scenario occurred. [i]Unlikely[/i], however it would make sense in the SSA vessel had stumbled upon valuable alien artifacts, prompting the same response. Finally, Gerad offered his option and produced the idea of newer and highly experimental stealth technologies being developed and ultimately leading to the totaling of the vessel. Maybe, he thought but the thought of refined stealth tech did sound appealing to him. [color=00a99d]"Should be worth mentioning that the [i]Balrog[/i] could have encountered a catastrophic, and fatal, accident, as well. A mishandled anti-matter surge is not an impossible event that could occur,"[/color] Cyne offered in what sounded like more like an advisory than a fun declaration. He knew his opinion was probably going to be the unpopular, or perhaps boring statment offered; however it was quite common for him to speak more towards the point of the topic rather than building it up, [color=00a99d]"probably messed with something they shouldn't have fiddled around with."[/color]