"If they were able to get a close enough look at you, possibly. Argonians would have a more difficult time discerning the more subtle details of your face, but they still might recognize you. Although, if you did more than just your hair, you might have more success. Changes to your complexion, eye color...there may be some alchemical concoctions that could accomplish that temporarily. Ariel would likely know." Meesei reasoned. "You can take some goods from our stocks and pose as a simple trader from another clan, if you arrive through the propylon chamber." [hr] Kaleeth was in one of the training rooms, near to the bottom floor of one of the buildings. It was somewhat less commonly used than some of the other rooms since it was far out of the way, and the sounds of the boiling water and steam pumping through the pipes beneath them was a loud constant. Although, for what Kaleeth and the rest of the group she was currently with used it for, the noise of the pumps tended to be drowned out by taunting and cheers. They had their own, informal fighting pit, with fights that were generally far more brutal than simple sparring. There was gambling as well, but Kaleeth was far more interested in the fighting than coin. She had long been a member of these sorts of fighting rings ever since their mission to Elsweyr over a decade ago, but she had only put down any sort of wager on a fight a handfull of times, and even then, nothing truly significant. For her, it was the blood, pain, and satisfaction of victory that helped to satisfy her endlessly restless beast spirit. Kaleeth had told Janius she had intended to fight that morning, but had lost track of the time several fights ago. She stood in the middle of their "arena", somewhat bruised, but hardly beaten. She wore a tattered and torn loincloth, as well as a few bloodstained strips of cloth wrapped around her knuckles. She generally avoided fighting with her claws, though it was not as if she needed them. There had been a time when she had not been the favorite in most fights. She had always been capable, but strength alone could not carry her to victory every time, and she had not always been terribly skilled. But, as she grew in ability along with the rest of her pack, losses became fewer and farther between. She started applying the techniques she had been taught more successfully, and her raw strength became an asset, rather than something she relied upon. Now, she mostly only fought those looking for a challenge, and most of her rounds went without bets unless someone like Lorag was her opponent. There were many who wanted to see her in a fight against Ri'vashi, but as of yet, no one had been able to convince her to join. Her current opponent was a tough Nord in his own right, and was just coming off of a win of his own, but he had not yet even touched Kaleeth.