[@Crusader Lord] It's a sequel in the sense that some player characters from Lunacy of Love return, but that's pretty much it. I would personally recommend Overcity Shift, but if you have difficulty deciding you can roll for it. [@DracoLunaris] No prior knowledge is required, so you can jump right in. Allies receive differing amounts of coins, listed under the Perk description. [@BrokenPromise] Allies can share the same Patron. Alternatively, they can also have one picked from existing Patrons, or have a new one rolled for them. Their benefits and drawbacks can differ. [@Rune_Alchemist] I liked your posts in AMG, so I look forward to having you join this time. [@Majoras End] You get to raise a single stat by 2 points, or two stats by 1 point, allocated how you wish.