Zarti was chuckling at Tower's response when all hell broke loose. Among the chaos the security personnel were the expected islands of calmness. All reacting this way or that depending on their specific skills and training. "We'll take care of the dignitaries." Lemm's voice reached Zarti over the comms. "You assist Tower and Forge in suppressing the hostiles." There was a short pause. "Try to take one alive. I'm sure the big heads'll want to know who's behind this little shindig." "Acknowledged." Zarti sprang into action. Her female C-Sec partner had rushed to assist the human Citadel Council member even while coughing vigorously and wiping away tears from her eyes. The Quarian Phantom keyed into the security channel via her omni-tool. "This is Red Phantom. Tower, Forge, I'll assist you in dealing with the hostiles. We should also try and cover all security personnel attempting to open the doors." Without further ado Zarti deployed her combat drone, which immediately began sighting targets and blasting away at them, as well as drawing fire away from all security operatives in the hall trying to suppress this insurrection. As the female Quarian made her way through the mass of panicking civilians she could easily identify the hostiles thanks to the C-Sec upgrade, installed onto her envirosuit mask. Zarti instructed her drone to target the insurgents still in the air, while she herself went for those that had already landed. The Red Phantom spotted a human female heading for the security agents actively trying to open the doors of the hall. She quickly deployed her Energy Drain. The female stopped dead in her tracks, crouching in surprise by the sapping of her kinetic barrier. Zarti used the momentum to attack the woman with her Neural Shock, further paralyzing her. The Quarian operative was on her target in a flash rendering the female human unconscious with one measured blow to the head. "Apollo. Converge on my location to retrieve an incapacitated hostile. Keep alive at all costs." "Directive received." Apollo acknowledged with its crisp voice. He appeared next to Zarti in a moment's notice and shouldered the unconscious female. As he was doing so he aimed his weapon at the Quarian's head and fired. A Turian enemy combatant crumpled to the ground behind Zarti, finished off by her drone. The Quarian looked back at the dead Turian and back at Apollo. "Thanks, Mauve. Return to Lemm." She hadn't even flinched when the Geth had pointed it's weapon at her. She had no doubt in her heart and mind about the fealty of her Geth teammates. "Stay operational, Red Phantom." Apollo instructed and was off. Zarti couldn't help but grin at the Geth's concern for her wellbeing. "You know it, Mauve." She assured and headed in the direction of Tower and Forge's location. They needed to create a line between the door and any hostiles that would try to stop the security agents from opening it.