[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZ6aiKr.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]Currently: [color=green][b]Open[/b][/color] | [color=gray]Closed[/color][/sub][/center] [center]Sigrid is a 21-year-old student residing in the United Kingdom. Sigrid is looking for both [b]long-term[/b] and [b]short-term[/b] lines, with partners who preferably: [i]• Write in third-person and to a good level of literacy. • Commit to building a plot through OOC discussion. • Understand the differences between OOC and IC.[/i] What you can expect from Sigrid, in turn: [i]• Good-sized, well-written responses. • Consistent OOC input.[/i] Whilst comfortable with playing both male and female characters, Sigrid prefers to write heterosexual pairings. Romance is [b]not[/b] a requirement, however. For the sake of tidiness, please respond to this thread via PM. [/center] [center]_________________________________________[/center] [center][color=#e7a4a4][b]Settings & Others[/b][/color] [i]* Indicates that Agro has a plot or two for this. [color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color] indicates that Sigrid would especially like to do this.[/i] [/center] [center] Favourite Genres: [i]Fantasy Historical (Post-)Apocalyptic[/i] Historical/Alt-Historical: [i][color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color]Viking Age* Celtic/Saxon* [color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color]Ancient Rome Ancient Egypt Neolithic Era [color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color]Medieval Europe [color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color]WWI/WWII Cold War[/i] Apocalyptic: [i]Post-War Wasteland [color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color]Tundra/Snowy Wasteland* Desert Wasteland* [color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color]War-time Scavengers[/i]* Other: [i]Dystopian Cyberpunk Superheroes/Villains* [color=#e7a4a4]♥[/color]High Fantasy Gothic/Horror[/i] Existing Universes: [i]Fallout The Elder Scrolls The Last of Us Wolfenstein Assassin's Creed Middle Earth A Song of Ice and Fire Marvel/DC Mad Max Full-Metal Alchemist Devilman Crybaby Akira[/i] [/center] [center]_________________________________________[/center] [center][i]Have a fair and wonderful day, little elves.[/i][/center]