[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hTyYiJq.png[/img][/center] [hr] For all these festivities and cheer over making it out alive, there were a few people that had other issues that were impeding them from enjoying this event at its full extent. One of these individuals was Angela. She had managed to pass with just barely enough after one or two sleepless nights writing an essay about her mid-term, fully detailing all the things she did. Thankfully, it was enough to pass, but she would kill for some cof-wait, what was that? As the headmaster spoke, she straightened on her seat and glanced at the being a couple of rows ahead of her. A goblin, small and green like the rest of his peers, but he didn't matter. What mattered was the plastic cup of the black, energy filled brew. Apparently, they had managed to get into one of those human coffee chains and get that before the meeting. The demon girl had tried one of those before, and they were acceptable. When the portal opened, Angela stood up and began to move towards it, much like everyone else. She hurried her pace, though, so that her targets wouldn't get too far away and the dark elixir be lost in whatever the headmaster had prepared for them. But she reached them in time. She got closer to the goblin gang and to her target, she lowered herself so that her lips hovered above his ear, and her hand holding the creature's cup by the top part. When she whispered to him, she coated her words with magic: [color=royalblue]"[b]You don't want this...[/b]"[/color] The goblin turned his head towards her, his eyes going over to her face then to the hand resting on his cup of coffee. He gave her one final look, then shrugged and returned to the conversation he was having with his friends. Angela couldn't care less, however. She had what she wanted, so she continued towards the portal at her own pace. Cleaning the rim with her thumb first, she took a sip from the cup. [color=royalblue]"Capuccino...? Well, it could be worse."[/color]