Hiems saw a duo of girls running in a distance. He didn't take notice of them much, as he didn't think much of the people in the test for now-but rather the robots worth the points in the grounds with the people. Seeing another robot up front, he dashed and lunged at it, crushing the torso of the 1p robot. Before it could do anything else he reached for the hand and crushed it like a handful of tissue. When hejumped down the robot fell to the ground powerlessly. Midoriya desperately searched for robots to earn points from, only to find them as a pile of scraps or be destroyed in front of his very eyes. As each second passed he got more and more desperate. Even though he had no idea how strong his newly given power would be he still needed a point. And he needed to pass this test no matter what. In the midst of all the hunting, Midoriya fell a rumble on the ground. In the middle of the testing grounds, a giant figure rose- and when it fully did Midoriya recognized it very well. It was the zero point robot. He, along with many others, froze with fear. Most of the students started running away from it, as there was no point fighting it at all. It wasn't worth any points, and it was too big anyways.