[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img][/center] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S T A R C I T Y, C A L I F O R N I A:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=LIGHTSLATEGRAY][B]S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 8[SUP]T H[/SUP], 2 0 1 8 - 0 8 : 2 1 a m | O W E N S T E A D A P A R T M E N T S, T H E G L A D E S[/B][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]The man stood intently staring at the closed door. Unwavering, he stood near perfectly still, fighting his body’s needs to remain in exactly in place as he had been ordered. Dark circles nearly swallowed his eyes in an endless abyss as they lay sunken and red between heavy eyelids that threatened to close at any second. But despite what should have been an involuntary movement, his eyes remained open, unblinking, unmoving as he watched the door vigilantly. His clothes were disheveled and wrinkled, stained with sweat and other bodily fluids as indicated by the dark patches beneath his arms and groin. A rancid odor wafted off the man, that had begun to attract flies as they landed on him, walking his skin without so much as a flinch from the man. A gag suddenly could be heard from the other side of the door, followed by a multitude of small splashes which were quickly replaced by soft sobs. Sniffling, June suddenly choked on her own snot sending her into a fit of coughing that echoed through the small washroom to the other side of the door where the man stood. The flush of the toilet momentarily drowned her coughing as June struggled to take a few deep breaths to calm herself. Wiping her chin, the smell that came from the stained sleeve of her sweater hit June like a ton of bricks as she felt whatever remained in her stomach purge itself. The bitter taste of bile hit the back of her tongue, her jaw dropping to expel whatever had entered her mouth. Tears streamed down her face as she clutched her stomach, a cold sweat clinging to every inch of skin as she rocked back and forth, huddled on the dingy, cracked laminate floor. All June wanted was for this waking nightmare to end. She had uttered the thought numerous times but never before had she so truly wished it. June truly wanted to die. Outside the door stood her landlord, at least a shade of the man he had once been. June had no idea what [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]she[/i][/B][/COLOR] had done to him, but now he did nothing but live to serve [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]her[/i][/B][/COLOR] . He hadn’t slept in nights, always ensuring her every need and want were met. June couldn’t remember the last time she even saw him eat. She always knew when he was near, he hadn’t eaten in days, his stomach groaned loudly complaining with each additional hour that went by. And to June’s knowledge, he hadn’t even properly used the bathroom since coming under [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]her[/i][/B][/COLOR] spell. It was June’s own personal horror story. [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]I can’t stomach another moment of listening to you whinge, you unappreciative little girl.[/i][/B][/COLOR] The disembodied voice had returned, June’s sobs became louder as she tucked her head between her knees. Ever since she had received the necklace, she lost hours of her life at a time, the longest had been three days and each time was only getting longer. Whatever horror she had unleashed was getting stronger with each passing minute and June felt more and more helpless to stop it. [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]Please child, I have heard banshees whose wails were more desirable to the sounds you’re making, how about you just let me out and Amora will make all your pain go away.[/i][/B][/COLOR] The voice was tender, almost caring, but there was a distinct edge, tempting and dangerous. Memories of Sunday School and Eve talking with the serpent plagued June’s mind as Amora’s every word seemed more and more venomous. [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]I do not understand why you distrust me so much, you and I have far more in common than you realize child.[/i][/B][/COLOR] [color=lightseagreen]“WE ARE [i]NOTHING[/i] ALIKE!”[/color] June suddenly screamed in reply as she stood, leaning heavily on the counter until she was staring in the mirror, her own reflection glaring back at her until suddenly [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]she[/i][/B][/COLOR] was there. It was so foreign, her face was so much like June’s own but the differences too were plentiful. Her makeup looked as though she had stepped off the cover of an airbrushed magazine and her eyes were a malevolent shade of green unlike the sorrowful blue of June’s own. But it was the hair where that provided the starkest of differences. June’s mop was a dark, tousled nest with a natural wave that the humidity of the summer only ever sought to ensure everyone was aware of. Amora’s, however, was a brilliant shade of blonde, bordering on appearing artificial to the human eye. Not a hair was out of place as long, straight locks fell perfectly symmetrical on either side of her face disappearing far beyond the extents of the smudged, dirty mirror. [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]You long to be adored, I can make that happen, wealth, fame, the adoration of men. I can literally make them fall at your feet, you need only say one word, child.[/i][/B][/COLOR] [color=lightseagreen]“I don’t need any more zombies following at my heels like horrifying sick puppies!”[/color] June sobbed, as she struggled to remain standing. [color=lightseagreen]“What did you do to him? He won’t leave me alone!”[/color] [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]He desired you, but he didn’t respect you. Now he serves you, now you’re far more than a trophy to him, now you’re everything to him.[/i][/B][/COLOR] [color=lightseagreen]“GET RID OF HIM!”[/color] June screamed as she slammed her fists on the vanity. [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]One word and all your problems go away, child.[/i][/B][/COLOR] [color=lightseagreen]“ENCHANTRESS, ENCHANTRESS, ENCHANT-”[/color] Feeling June’s broken and defeated spirit, Amora asserted full control over her willing host as she freed herself from exile, her long hair spilling down the back of the shared body as June’s clothes disappeared only to be replaced by Amora’s bodice and robes. Smiling, she waved her hand, opening the bathroom door with one swift movement as a smile filled the face of the waiting man. [COLOR=SILVER]“Mistress, you’ve return-”[/COLOR] [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]“You’re a pathetic groveling worm, get as far away from me as fast as you, I never want to see your face again.”[/i][/B][/COLOR] Amora snapped as the man’s face fell. Behind the visage, tears began to form in the corner of his eyes as the man turned awkwardly to face the large window overlooking the street below. Taking a step, it was as though the man within was fighting back as each step was a struggle until suddenly the spirit was broken as the man began to run. The sound of shattering glass echoed through the apartment followed by several gasps and a car alarm as the body of June’s landlord plummeted to the ground, landing atop a parked car below. The sounds of tearing flesh and shattered bone echoed all the way back to the apartment, five stories above the ground. With a smile, Amora sauntered her way towards June’s Board of Bizarre as she perused through the pictures pinned in place. A long, jade fingernail traced the outline of Superman’s chest as Amora let out a slight purr at the godly physique of the hero before a blurry picture from Oklahoma suddenly caught her eye. [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]“It can not be.”[/i][/B][/COLOR] She snarled ripping the picture from the wall, crumpling it into a ball as she ignited the paper. Watching it smoulder in her hand, Amora extinguished the ash before scattering it at her feet. [COLOR=SPRINGGREEN][B][i]“The sins of the father shall be visited upon the son.”[/i][/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]M A R V I L L E, O K L A H O M A:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=LIGHTSLATEGRAY][B]S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 8[SUP]T H[/SUP], 2 0 1 8 - 1 0 : 2 2 a m | M C N A L L Y ‘ N S O N S F A R M[/B][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Smoke rose from the barn as the pair of men approached, the ground here was more scorched and charred than anything around the hole had been. The smell of burning flesh hung in the air as Blake rounded the corner and saw the remnants of nearly a dozen cattle. Most had been torn clean in half, those that weren’t were missing significant portions of their flesh, what was left was burned to a crisp, hanging to darkened bones like cured leather while their innards were boiled, inflating like a balloon out of any open wound. Blake paused, the sight of the cattle suddenly triggering something in the back of his mind as Blake as though he was pulled away from the moment, lost in a memory far older than himself or the world around him. Snow crunched beneath his feet as he took a cautious step forward, looking around before pushing onwards. He was pressed to keep pace with an older man who now was nearly ten paces ahead of him. Mail weighed his body down as a large fur cloak did its best to keep his body warm from the howling winds of the place the memory knew to be the realm of Niðavellir. Managing to match stride with the older man, Blake suddenly felt his jaw move as a young Thor spoke. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“What do we hunt, Uncle Tyr?”[/B][/COLOR] He asked as the older man turned, his auburn beard hung to nearly the center of his chest, braided and well cared for, though not without the signs of aging as grey and white began to drive out the fiery colours of youth. Worn armor was visible beneath the heavy wolven fur cloak he wore as he turned his hawklike sapphire eyes onto the younger boy. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Lindwyrm.”[/B][/COLOR] He growled above the howling winds. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“As future protector of the Nine, your father and I thought it be best you get accustomed to the threats you’ll be facing, as luck would have it, your father received a plea for help from the dwarves. Their mines have been attacked several times over the last lunar cycle, so they’ve turned to Asgard for help.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“How do you know these attacks are lindwyrms and not the work of the damned giants?”[/B][/COLOR] The boy asked as Tyr let out a hearty laugh. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Giants don’t leave behind tunnels the size of a man.”[/B][/COLOR] The warrior answered with a wink to his young nephew. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Nor do they burn you until your insides inflate and burst out of your own body.”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr added as the pair reached the entrance of one of the Dwarves’ mines. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Don’t be so quick to judge the giants, they may be our fiercest enemies my boy but,”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr paused, licking his lips as a smile turned up at the corners of his mouth. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“You have not truly been a man until you have laid with a giantess.”[/B][/COLOR] Thor’s nose turned up to meet his downward brow as he spat in disgust at his Uncle’s words which only seemed to encourage his Uncle to continue laughing, stopping only once approached by a dwarf as they ventured further into the shallow tunnels. [COLOR=SILVER]“Asgardians!”[/COLOR] The Foreman called. [COLOR=SILVER]“‘Bout damn time the Allfather took our plea for help seriously, we can’t be damned to make weapons for protectors who don’t show up on time y’know.”[/COLOR] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“You dare speak ill of the Allfather in the presence of the Odinson!”[/B][/COLOR] Thor snapped at the dwarf as he reached for his blade. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“I should cut out your tongue for your insolence.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Still your blade, boy.”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr ordered, holding a strong hand to Thor’s chest as he restrained the brash prince. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“The prince here is eager to taste blood, if you could be so kind as to put us on the beast’s trail, we’ll be happy to be on our way.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]“Aye and the better for it, the wee prince looks as though he’s barely a day off the teet. Shame you couldn’t spare two real warriors for our [i]fuckin’[/i] problem”[/COLOR] The dwarf chortled in his raspy brogue as Thor drew his blade, raising it above his head only to be deflected by Tyr’s own weapon as the Asgardian proved why he held his title. Even with a single arm, he managed to disarm the prince and subdue the dwarf before either could move to stop him. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“The prince may be brash, but not even he would dare to insult Asgardian royalty to their face, so unless you wish the prince to make good on his threat to cut out your tongue, I suggest you still it, stay out of our way and return to the matter of ensuring your men are supplying weapons for tardy Asgardians.”[/B][/COLOR] Stepping back, Tyr removed his boot from the dwarf’s chest, before withdrawing the tip of his blade from the other man’s throat as the dwarf quietly bowed his head, silently pointing the two warriors in the direction they needed to travel before scurrying off as fast as his short legs could carry him in the opposite direction. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“You should have slit his throat, Uncle.”[/B][/COLOR] Thor spat as he picked his weapon off the ground, sheathing the blade in a huff as he straightened his cloak. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“And what would that have accomplished?”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr asked. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Actions have consequences, by killing him all we would have done here was sow resentment among our allies. You would do well to learn from this, oh future King of Asgard.”[/B][/COLOR] Walking in the direction the dwarf had pointed, Thor remained uncharacteristically silent as his Uncle’s words weighed on him. The smell of charred soil and stone suddenly irritated his nostrils as Thor stopped to take in his surroundings, a crude tunnel lay in front of him. It was clearly not the work of the dwarves and by the manner in which his Uncle was acting, it was definitely what they had come seeking. Kneeling down, Tyr rubbed the ash between his fingers. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Still warm.”[/B][/COLOR] He muttered as Thor took a step forward only for Tyr to shake his head. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“You don’t fight a Lindwyrm in his burrow, boy.”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr stated as he reached to the back of his belt, removing a bloated flask, putting the cork to his mouth and pulling. An audible ‘pop’ echoed in the cavern as Tyr spit the cork from his mouth. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“Is now really the time for mead, Uncle?”[/B][/COLOR] Thor mused impatiently as he looked towards his elder. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Firstly, boy. There is never a bad time for mead,”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr chided in response before turning the spout of the flask towards the grounds. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Secondly, this is bait.”[/B][/COLOR] A thick crimson liquid splashed onto the charred ground as a pungent, metallic odor filled Thor’s nostrils causing the boy to take a step backward. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“By the Allfather, what the bloody hell is that?”[/B][/COLOR] Thor lamented wafting a hand past his nose as Tyr merely laughed at the boy once again. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Pigs’ blood of course!”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr joyfully informed Thor as the boy pinched his nose shut. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“Should we not be leading the beast to the surface, how are we supposed to fight it down here?”[/B][/COLOR] Came a frustrated Thor’s nasally reply as Tyr shook his head before explaining. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Never lure a lindwyrm into the open, a field may seem ideal but the last thing you want to do is give the bastards a chance to use their whole body. Quick as a whip and built like an oak, even for us, that hurts.”[/B][/COLOR] Thor nodded, looking around the cavern, a look of bewilderment on his face as he questioned his uncle again. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“You still didn’t answer how we fight the damned beast.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“You ambush it of course.”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr replied as he listened down the tunnel. The sound of shifting rock and soil echoed into the chamber as a grin crossed the God of War’s face. His hand gripping his sword tighter as he raised the blade, resting on his pauldron as he took a position to the side of the beast’s burrow. Motioning with his chin for Thor to assume the other side, the boy did as instructed, tightly wrapping both his hands around the hilt of his own weapon. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Do not waste time on the eyes,”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr whispered, [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Go straight for the throat, damned thing does not need its eyes to turn you into ash.”[/B][/COLOR] Thor nodded as a cloud of dust and ash was expelled from the opening of the borrow. Burying his face into his cloak, Tyr’s eyes widened as he watched Thor tilt his head back, his eyes scrunching closed as his nose wrinkled. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“Damnit, boy! Pull yourself together.”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr hissed, but it was to no avail as Thor let out a loud sneeze, the sound of which echoed through the cavern as all other noise ceased. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“No, no, NO!”[/B][/COLOR] Tyr roared before suddenly the ground gave way under him, the beast emerging as Tyr was thrown across the cavern, his blade sliding from his grasp. Recomposing himself, Thor let out a yell as he charged the creature, swinging his blade wildly as it caught flesh, stroke after stroke covering him sprays of warm, thick blood. The lindwyrm hissed and cried, its grossly oversized fangs snapping at Thor as he danced around the thrashing jaw. Suddenly the creature went silent as Thor stared it down, his weapon raised as the beast slowly followed him with his head. Gills at the side of its neck suddenly flared open as Tyr’s voice could be heard only seconds too late. [COLOR=ORANGERED][B]“MOVE, BOY!”[/B][/COLOR] But the words were lost to the vacuum as a gout of fire enveloped the cave.[/INDENT][/INDENT]