[quote=@Retired] [hider=Sure, I'll hide this, I guess.] Yay. I love when writers force into the narrative the whole "oh, that cool thing we only recently came up with? Yeah, these characters were doing that decades beforehand despite past stories contradicting this." Doesn't end up horribly done ever. [/hider] [/quote] [hider=Let's keep hiding it stuff, why not?]Yeah, I can't say I'm crazy about the villain being yet another existential threat from the dawn of time. Marvel does it a lot, but DC's been playing that hand [i]wayyyy[/i] too much these days-- I mean, it worked when they introduced the Speed Force and the multicolored Lanterns, but for real, can't new stuff just be new? That said, I kinda dig this angle and how it applies to Venom. For one, it gives them more to do than just "whoops, there's been some big misunderstanding and now we hate Spider-Man again." And two, it gives the series a touch of Lovecraft-style cosmic horror without just stealing the squid-monster motif. I don't really think Venom is protagonist material, but if they're gonna keep up with it, he does need his own niche in the Marvel universe so he doesn't continue to ride Spidey's coat-tails.[/hider]