Name: Deckard Murdoch Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: [Img][/img] Age: 51 Equipment: Stolen poorly functioning Imperial Ember Blade and a Solarium powered fusion plasma pistol of Gracian origin. Bio:  Captain Deckard Murdock is very open about his past and it is commonly known that he once captained this very ship in the Sky Fleet for the Empire.  At some point during, he had been given a mission that became too personal, by order of a Sky Fleet Admiral, Deckard was to use his own daughter as bait against a rival Plague Doctor Pirate who had a personal vendetta against him. While Deckard hated this tactic it was his wife, dedicated to the Empire above all, who demanded this be done in hopes to finally put the pirate lord down and be able to live in peace. However the worst possible fate befell the Murdoch family. In the final confrontation with the Plague Doctor Pirate, Deckards wife was struck down and his daughter taken. And so, devastated by the outcome of the mission Deckard Murdoch swore to abandon his loyalty to the Emperor, avenge his wife and hope to rescue his daughter someday. His first step to this end was stealing the ship he has grown accustomed to flying. Customizing it to his liking and re-naming it The Vengeance. Deckard began a life of freelance work, picking up contracts from anything between cargo heists to transit of public officials. Anything to keep The Vengeance flying in hopes that one say he'd find the Pirate Lord who so wronged him and enact his revenge. From time to time he would be identified by Imperial officers and let free. Deckard can only assume that this is the gift of the Emporer, some small way to try and make up for his Admirals's terrible actions. Personality: Deckard tries to stay positive but his dark past informs a tortured under layer to everything he does. He thinks of his crew like a family and treats them as such. Tough love when necessary and encouragement when necessary. Lately he's been a little more reckless than usual and doesn't take the time to justify it to his crew. Relationships: Vendro - "Vendro is a complicated guy. He's got years upon years of life experiance but he's trapped in an adolescent head. I feel for him sometimes, but he doesn't seem to mind being the way he is... sometimes I envy him really. Still he's the closest person I've got to a first mate. Takes care of everything on the ship needing taking care of and I never have to ask him to do so. That and I've never known a Gracian with as much knowledge on the streets of the Gracian cities as Vendro. And my Flame is he deadly in a pinch. He's loyal, dependable and frankly, he's the closest friend I have in these skys. Just dont tell him I said so. " Caspra - "Well... I cant say I approve of someone coming along to see a contract through but I understand it's quite personal for her. She seems a bit off to me. Hard to put my finger on it but the way she stares off into the distance, or how she appears to be engaged in a conversation with you only to realise she's just somewhere else entirely in her mind when you solicit a response from her. She's kind of rude I guess but I dont mind. Sort of refreshing I'd say. Over all I'm not sure what I think yet." Thane - "Being a military man myself I must admit its refreshing to work with someone who doesn't pull any punches. Thane gives it to you straight and pulls valuable wisdom from his extensive experiance. He's an asset to The Vengeance in more ways than I can count. Being that he fought for the Gracian side of the conflict, I go to him often for insight on Gracian military tactics and movement." Tilly - WIP Thevros - "Thevros... yeah he's one of the good ones. While it frustrates me I cant get him to kill anyone needs killin', the man lives by a code and I respect that. And anytime I'm in need of a respectable representative, well, Thevros has never said no to playing that role for us. Lately we've had a run of good luck, taking on contracts from wealthy backers and that is due in no small part of Thevros's way with fancy words. People trust him, for good or for ill, they do, and often give us their business. On top of all that, should you ever need guidance in your faith in the Flame, he's your source for wisdom and serenity and I so often do."