Name: Vendro Gender: Male Race: Gracian Appearance: [img][/img] Age: 71 Equipment and Modifications: Left Palm Data Jack. Right hand can launch 12 feet with retractable cable reel. Single side arm Solarium fusion plasma pistol. Carried with him an array of knives and daggers and flashbang grenades of his own creation. Bio: It is uncommon to see Gracian children among the millions that exist within' the city. It is rarer still to witness a poor soul who had died and been resurrected at an early age. Thus is the case with Vendro. Murdered at the organic age of 10 and resurrected by a charitable outreach non-profit in Gracia, Vendro was given a junker body and second hand organ replacements and then thrown to the streets. His memory of the incident is flawed being that only organic portions of his brain retained any information. All that he could remember was a silhouette of a fellow Gracian and the sound of 7 gun shots. Convinced this was a murder of passion, Vendro set out to discover his killer, his killers motive and ultimately, hopefully, who he is. His investigation took him to every corner of Gracia and for this reason he is extremely familiar with the city. This made him a valuable asset for Deckard Murdoch, who often takes contracts that require a visit to their city. So Deckard offered Vendro a home on his ship and a portion of his bounties. Vendro accepted, realizing that 50 years within' Gracia had yielded too few leads and elected to continue his search for answers outside of Gracian territory. For over 20 years Vendro has sailed the skies with Deckard and the others and used his pay to upgrade his body, download expensive but advanced combat muscle memory programs and a data jack to comb The Grid for information regarding his past. Personality: WIP Relationships: WIP