[h2][b][u]Mistakes Were Made[/u][/b][/h2][h3]Loom General Hospital 7:15 AM[/h3] JP woke to the sound of a lady's voice and her warm hand placed against his forehead. Still woozy from passing out just a few hours before, he attempted to sit up but was calmly forced back down by the tray being placed on his lap. "I... [i]Mon dieu...[/i] What happened?" The woman’s eyes softened at his question as she double checked everything was in place. Finally, she removed her hands and placed them in front of her. She stepped back toward the window as she replied to him. “You were brought in last night, with a young woman,” she then added, as if reading his mind, “She’s stable and in the room next door. What little bits I could gather, you both were victims of a house invasion.” She paused at the curtains, “Would you like me to open this?” JP looked at the curtains, winced a little from what light barely streamed in, and shook his head slowly. “[i]Non[/i]... My eyes hurt.” Then his memory jogged. Holly. Her attacker. The injuries she’d sustained. “A-and the woman? How is she?” The woman withdrew her hands from the curtain, and turned back to him, “Resting currently, and recovering nicely. She hasn’t woken up yet.” JP leaned back into his pillow, sighing with relief. “Thank god… I’m glad Holly is okay. Do you know if the Loom police have said anything about the case yet?” “I’m sorry, I don’t have that information,” the woman said regretfully, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” “Yes… Holly’s injuries, are they serious?” “She didn’t come in with any injuries,” the woman answered with confusion in her tone, her eyes narrowed on JP for several moments. She appeared to question his memory over the event. “Wait- she didn’t? But I was-” Confusion clouded his eyes as he struggled to recall the events of the previous night. His gaze fell to the bed as he replayed everything in his mind. The commotion from Holly’s apartment. Finding her covered in blood, an animal hovering over her with its jaws in her shoulder. A younger man battling the beast as he pulled her from the apartment and into his. Then...a blank space “I… I can’t recall what happened, but I know she was injured. There- there was an animal, a wild animal inside her apartment that attacked her.” “Are you sure you’re alright?” Her figure approached to once more lean toward him. Her hand touched his head then looked toward the monitor attached to his arm, leaning back in a debating manner. “You didn’t hit your head, did you?” JP shook his head. “No, I didn’t. I was… I was applying pressure to the injury she’d sustained on her shoulder… Everything after that is a blank… Did I pass out…?” “According to the reports the EMR had, you were both out cold. There was blood on her clothes, but the police have yet to identify it or comfirm where it came from,” the woman retreated back, through wary and hovered a bit at his bedside. “She isn’t injured. We fully checked all over for wounds and there was nothing. If she was attacked, the animal or whatever didn’t manage to touch her. Perhaps it was the creature’s blood? Did she manage to wound it?” He thought back to the night before and shook his head. “No, definitely not. She was ambushed by it, didn’t have time to react before the thing pounced on her. Maybe I was just...imagining things?... But how?” “God works in odd ways,” the nurse admitted, the only explanation she found would suit the situation, “I’ve seen and heard of stranger things. You both are very lucky you weren’t hurt. Despite that thought, you both are under observation for the time being.” She walked over and nudged the tray with her hand. “You need to eat, you need it to help you heal. Is there anything else you need?” “Oh, ah- r-right, [i]pardon[/i]. I, uh, would like just a jug of water please. And, can I please know my friend’s room number? I think I am unharmed so I would like to visit her at my earliest convenience.” The nurse nodded then moved to the side table, picking up a pitcher then pouring it into a glass. She then passed it over to him. “Your friend is in room A203, right next door. Try not push yourself too far because while you’re feeling well, you’re still under observations. Now I have other patients that need my attention, if you need anything then press the buzzer right next to hers or your bed depending on where you’re at.” JP nodded back and took a sip from the glass of water, leaning back into his pillow as he watched the nurse leave. He sighed and set the glass down on the nightstand next to his bed and stared up at the ceiling, deep in thought. How come Holly wasn’t injured? He remembered, clear as day, that she was bleeding all over his apartment floor and he had his shirt bundled against her shoulder to stop the flow of blood. “Hmmh… [i]Est-ce que je deviens vieux[/i]...?”