Name: Caspra Sneedles Gender: Female Race: Jantari Appearance: The following imagine except her Jantari eyes have an Amber glow and often wears welders goggles to hide them. [img][/img] Age: 41 Equipment and Natural Abilities: WIP Bio: Hailed as a genius by some and a heretic by others, Dr. Caspra Sneedles is well known in academic circles. She's been employed at the Academy of Alchemy for over 10 years and teaches a wide range of topics, but her truest passion is Quantum Metaphysics, of which she is the worlds only doctoral expert. She's a wild character and therefore loved by her students by keeping her lessons interesting but her peers are often disturbed by her perspective on the universe. Rumors say her mind was warped after peering into The Veil, an other worldly theoretical dimension of some sort. Though when pressed on the subject she simply laughs and says "Now wouldn't THAT be interesting?". Recently she has run into a bit of hot water after delivering a lecture at a conference where she demonstrated that a few well known physical theories were wrong, theories that have been, practically, scientific scripture for centuries. Through the use of seven Solarium gems, a few natural Dyst crystals, the composition of which Caspra keeps secret, and a mechanism of her own design, she managed to move an apple from one table to another instantly. "Teleportation, tried and true and as real as Sol too". The demonstration didn't go as Caspra had hoped. The concept was too advanced for even the brightest of her peers to comprehend and so she had been accused of misconduct. Accused of setting up an elaborate illusion in an attempt to secure more Imperial funding. In an attempt to better explain her concepts and keep her position at the Academy of Alchemy, Caspra was ordered to reveal her secrets to The Board. However, and to her horror, Professor Sneedles discovered her journals were stolen from her office. Unable to provide proof that her teleportation mechanism really worked, she was assumed to be an illusionist and a crook and was removed from her position. Caspra had a hunch who took her belongings, drafted a contract and hired Deckard Murdoch to help her find her missing property. She's been with the crew for a few weeks by the time our game starts. Personality: Whimsical, wild, unpredictable and curious. She treats people with kindness in general but has little regard for people who offer little value to the world. She's quick to judgment but doesn't use her immense intelligence to feel superior, she just assumes she can figure people out quicker than most. It's possible her Jantari sensibilities help to inform these judgments. She finds the natural world fascinating and the super natural world boring and ridiculous. She often treats dedicated believers in The Flame somewhat poorly. Relationships: Deckard - "BORING!" Vendro - "What a fascinating little enigma Vendro is ya? Old brain and a cocktail of adolescent hormones just wuzzing about as he tries to be a manchine (pronounced Man-sheen. Solarian slang for Gracian). How does'e keep 'is grapple hand from tanglin' durin' retraction I wonder? I'll havta ask 'im if I get the chance Haha! Bloody sad bout 'is roots though ya? Shit, poor boychine don' know his own story. Tragic. I say we all be extra kind the wee lad iffen habit permits. Right?" Thane - "Manchines personality is as robotic as 'is suit, ya ask me. Snooze! Haha! But bloody facinatin' when'e talks about 'istroy, 'e is. 'E's been there and seen stuff I only read about. Still I cant help but wonder if 'e thinks in ones and zeroes ya? Ironic when 'e's kept more of 'is man parts than any other Gracian I've ever known. Wouldn't want to cross Mr. Cross and make 'im cross ya get me? HAHAHAHA no but really dont. Probably a bad idea. Hahaha. But seriosuly. *ahem*" Tilly - WIP Thevros - "Ah the wanker! Haha, been on this ship not but a few weeks an' already we've been chatty bout this and that. 'It not polite to talk of religion and politics' say the weak minded fools on the ground. But not Thevros, nah. E'll talk ya till you're eyes go dull about 'is precious Flame. Bloody fantasy. Ain'y no science innit. Thevros don' care, e'll say "Its a matter of faith" or some such. E's an Amber eyes like yours truly and I can feel it when I get on 'is nerves. Haha bloody fun it is. I respect 'is conviction ya? Ain't no Amber eyes, humey, or manchine ever gonna convince me the Flame is real, an' I expect the opposite is true for Thevros."