Deckards Ship: [h3]The Vengeance[/h3] [img][/img] Pictured here docked within' the Imperial Skylands. History: Before the ship was retrofitted and renamed, it was christened the SSF Otto. Commissioned in a simpler age, the SSF Otto was designed after the effective Frigates that the Empire commonly used as battleship support ships and Skyforce law enforcement. Due to the lasting stalemate the time would eventually come that Pirates were more a threat to the Skyforce than Gracian Forces and SSF Frigates became the first line of defense against them. Due to their balance between speed and armament there was no more effective a Pirate hunting model of airship than the Frigates. The SSF Otto functioned in this capacity from the get go and was captained by the young Bounty Hunter Deckard Murdoch. He had proven himself a skillful Airship combatant when the death of a superior officer forced Deckards hand in taking command of a warship he was piloting at the time. This feat awarded him his own ship and role within the Skyforce. After the events of the Murdoch family tragedy, the SSF Otto was stolen by it's captain who abandoned the Skyforce and renamed the ship The Vengeance. Armaments: [list] [*]6 Steam Pressurized Cannons, 3 Port and 3 Starboard. [*]Hookshot Launcher on the bow. 100 yard range with pressurized winch. [*]4 Spider Silk counter net launchers, 2 Port and 2 Starboard. [*]Solarium Gem equipped Steam Engine with propeller boosters. 4 Props total, Aft port and starboard and Forward port and starboard. [/list] Crew and Culture: Deckard captains a crew of 18 men who run The Vengeance like clockwork. They are loyal and get paid well. The chef, Lee Dukenton, affectionately referred to as Le Duke, prepares meals regularly and takes his work very seriously. WIP