"Kuuuupo!" Dr. Mog exclaimed as the books exploded with light and out if the forming from the letter and pages where the heroes they were about. Astrid took aim and spoke into her comm. "Target locked. Yes Veld. Understood director." The comm when off and she pulled the trigger. The bullet left the chamber, through the materia infuser, and down the barrel. Once it left it began to spark green till it was about to hit it's target. The moment before it exploded into a Contain spell called freeze. Which did what was intended and froze the beast solid. The simulation ended and Astrid stood. "Good work Astrid. Please exit the chamber and breakdown the prototype." She squeezed the handle and the front grip. Both had a sensitive mechanism that triggered a transformation. The rifle then released into two hand cannons with a hiss. Astrid went to the door then a flash of light caught her and she was gone. "Kupo kupo kupo!" Dr.Mog then realised that these people couldn't understand him. He then dug into his pocket and produced crystals. Each on a string he tossed them to the new comers. Once they all had them he began. "Welcome Heroes. So ummm I'm sorry for ripping you away from your lives but I need help desperately, kupo!" Something roared outside the door. "Umm please, kupo? Time is of the essence, kupo!" The thing that roared burst in the room. A behemoth. It's horns and eyes shifted as if not completely solid and instead made of smoke. Astrid in shock but battle ready bolstered her hand cannons and ran at the beast. Just before hitting it she slid under it firing at the base of each foot. From each point sprouted tendrils of ice that encased the behemoths legs. Finally she reached its tail and grabbed it. It then flug her up on it back. "Now!" She yelled to no one and everyone in the room.