The clock had just struck noon and the infamous Arkham Asylum had already had it's second attempt at escape, fourth inmate attack, and sixth attempt at suicide, in other words it was quite the slow day. The sounds of the deranged shouting at the voices in their heads rang through the halls, the smell of recycled air flowed from the vents, and the feeling of dying hope seemed to seep from the walls. It was about time for the Doctors to begin their usual treatments of the inmates, starting with the lower cases and working their way up. One such doctor, Dr. Tracey Heart, was on his fifth patient of the day, or as she put it the longest hour of her life. The young doctor, wearing her blond hair in a bun and a freash lab coat, made her way into the more heavily guarded part of Arkham with her escorts of two guards. She found her way to a cell with a automatic sliding bullet proof glass door, a cell she was all to familiar with. She asked on of the guards to fetch her a chair before she strolled over to the cell and spoke in a tone of utter announce. "It is time for your daily session Mr. Doe." She said to the green haired fool that lied inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the staffroom of Arkham the head doctor, Dr. Christopher White, was briefing the newest arrival to the asylum's staff. "Alright Miss Dunklemen we have been through the safety procedures you must follow while in a session with one of the inmates. Now I believe it is time for you to threat your first patient." Dr. White then handed Casterly the file on one Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel. "You'll be holding your first one on one session with her today so make sure it goes well." He said with a stern tone before he exited the room to attended to his own patients.