[quote=@Lotrix Molick] I'm game, but I offer something more to add. You ok with my character being involved in more of a "hungry magic" type of supernatural? It seems complementary to Eldritch horror as it makes some magic seek to gain power and use despite ruining lives and property. If not, I will go more Lovecraftian Eldritch horror style, Elder Gods slumbering. As for angels, demons, lycanthropes, and other beings, you could add them as representatives or byproducts of the eldritch powers that be, thus giving more variety to the powers. It would be curious to see eldritch corrupted "angels" and eldritch corrupted "demons". [/quote] Not exactly sure what you mean by hungry magic. All I can find about that is MTG cards. If it's like a mage that acts with zero repercussions, that should be fine. Just know that humans have absolutely zero "magic" potential and are forced to bend otherworldly elements via materials or complex somatics. I'm not going to preclude angels, demons, or traditional supernatural beings. They could exist in some shape or form. However, I won't be going by their romanticized or theological origins. For instance, an angel could be a very beautiful but alien being, making it look unsettling to the point of being disgusted by it. Hence why angels always say "Don't be afraid". People can attach it to religion and associate that supernatural being with their faith, but the being itself has no concrete origin that mankind knows about. That's what I'm more going for. More mystery. Think less hot angels and more "Oh god, that's a fetus with wings", more or less. [hr] And seeing how we have enough to start, time for my ass to work on the OOC. Have some basic knowledge packets that your characters should know about the world. It's extremely rough right now. Will actually write them up when the OOC comes along. Ask any questions about the world or give any ideas. I'm pretty open. [hider=Ultralight]Rather than having a rigid hierarchy and structure, Ultralight focuses on having an independent structure that can function no matter what damage the organization takes. While assumed that Ultralight has a leader, they maintain almost zero contact with any contractor. Instead, they choose to solely interact through [i]liaisons[/i], trusted support staff who administrate contractors. One usually doesn't choose to become a contractor. More often than not, contractors are scouted by senior members by being in proximity of the supernatural. Other times, criminals are scouted by Ultralight plants—becoming indentured contractors. In order to ensure secrecy, contractors are paid extraordinarily well for their duties. For those not swayed by payment, the threat of government plants and other contractors often dissuade anyone from revealing Ultralight's secrets. As Ultralight is independent, many contractors work together to form a cell. Contractors often use safe houses to store any goods they can't keep on their regular person, relax, and most importantly, interact with their liaison. Your liaison is Cider, a gentle figure who genuinely cares about the contractors who works for her. Her safehouse is located in the "Empty" District, a maze of abandoned and ruinous factories and warehouses. Small pockets of extreme radioactivity make the Empty District almost impossible for regular people to navigate.[/hider] [hider=Factions][b]Corporations[/b] MER Corp. - Sole medical force in Eden. Handles all medicine and medical equipment. Meosjingisul - Largest technology provider. Weaponry is an open market. Dozens of companies all release weapons. The largest of the two are Jackel Kinetic (JKLKN), who create the standard cartridge-based weaponry, and NRG, who create bog standard magnetic weapons. [b]Gangs[/b] Sanhehui - Located primarily in the north Wards, primarily deal with human trafficking, but they do practically everything illegal. Fierce rivalry with Los Lados. Los Lados - Located in the south Wards, primarily create drugs and weapons. Wants the Sanhehui to die. Ito-Gumi - Located all across the districts, primarily extort and act as middlemen for both the Sanhehui and Los Lados. [b]Peace Force[/b] - More paramilitary than police. Currently occupying the west Wards. Do not know Ultralight exists.[/hider] [hider=Locales]The Centre - The middle of Eden. Home of most corporations. Massive skyscrapers, actual trees and grass, general ritzy feeling. The Districts - Between the Centre and the Wards. Many districts, notable districts include the Red Light District, Downtown, and the "Empty" District. The Wards - The outskirts of Eden. Massive walls formed from cheaply made buildings. Constantly dripping and falling apart. The North Wards are controlled by the Sanhehui. South Wards are controlled by Los Lados. West Wards are occupied by the Peace Force as a result of riots.[/hider] And a CS. Feel free to make it your own with coding or adding sections. It is pretty basic, after all. Don't feel the need to include a character image. They're nice to have, but not everyone has savant levels of image finding like me. [code][center][img]place-image-here[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] (Real name.) [b]Alias:[/b] (Contractors almost always use aliases for the sake of privacy) [b]Personality:[/b] (Feel free to make it as short or long as you want, this only exists to make sure characters don't overlap too much) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Anything the picture doesn't cover; height, weight if you want) [b]History:[/b] (How they ended up working as a contractor, their reputation/notable missions working for Ultralight if a veteran) [b]Capabilities:[/b] (Supernatural abilities, fighting style, talents - anything skill that is notable) [b]Equipment:[/b] (Anything notable they use: weapons, armour, robot arm, things of that sort - don't feel the need to include wealth or any throw away items) [b]Other:[/b] (Anything else you want to include - delete this if there's nothing, you scoundrel, you)[/code]