With Hiem’s help, Nensu managed to pull Uraraka out from under the debris, and put the younger girl’s arm over her shoulder to help her stand, shortly before she noticed the boy from before, leap into the air and give a mighty punch to the approaching assailant. He just seemed so timid the last time she took notice of him, but now, it seemed as though he became a completely different person; from fear to bravery, in just a snap. Was it because they were only in danger? Was it by instinct alone? Nensu didn’t have time to come up with a logical answer, when she took notice of him, falling. Uraraka pulled herself loose from her savior, and ran towards him, as he fell, having to give him a slap to the face, and allow her quirk to gently lower him to the ground, preventing him for hurting himself even more. He looked exhausted, with his arm completely out of it. Nensu approached him, crouching by his side, and allowed him to collapse. She looked at Momo, almost bewildered on what she just witnessed.