Velu caught the crystal that the moogle tossed to him. He examined it carefully, unsure what it was, but it seemed to have no other properties besides allowing him to understand what the moogle was saying, which was certainly welcome since it seemed that this moogle was the one responsible for Velu and the others showing up here. Unfortunately, the moogle was unable to explain what was going on before a door burst open and a giant smoke monster burst forth. "Okay, explanations can wait," the red mage decided. He ran at the beast at the same time that a woman with advanced weapons that Velu had never seen before did the same. She froze the monster's legs then used it's tail to mount its neck. Velu rushed forward, sword flashing. He leaped at the monster and slashed his sword at it's ugly face, slicing it from its left eye, across its nose, and to the right side of its mouth. He landed on his feet and jumped back in a defensive posture, watching what would happen next.