Ally stood, her mind refocused on the situation, but a pain in her side was bugging her. Actually, she usually never felt much pain in this form, so why was she feeling so much pain? She traced along her ribs until her fingers felt an indentation. Her jaw dropped to the floor. Never before had she been dented in this form, so what would happen when she returned to normal? Her train of thought shifted as blood began to rain from the sky. Who's blood was this? Did the sacrifice end? Ally looked over to Kurt clawing at the demon. He could handle this, right? It looked like he had this under control. She figured if they could stop the sacrifice, it would prevent the demon from becoming anymore powerful. She cast another glance at the fighting Kurt, hoping that he could pull off his attack against the demon, before going to the ritual area. Marcus was now attacking the children, and at this point Ally's morals were slightly bent. It didn't matter that these were children, they were vicious and menacing. Not only that, but so much magic seemed to be involved. Couldn't they just be healed? "Need some help?" Ally asked Marcus as she reached the now breaking up circle of children, ready to fight.