[h2]Alexander[/h2] Sometimes solitude just wasn't permitted at the school. Especially not where Hannah and Sumi were concerned. Refusing would only result in the two of them coming and pulling over insistently, so he sighed and resigned himself as he changed course with his food plate. He kept quiet as the chatter started, though it was interesting to see Astrid and Christopher hit it off like they did. He couldn't keep quiet much longer, however, when Astrid turned and asked him a question about where home was. "Oh, I went to a place called Sylvent," he replied between bites of food, "Floating islands up in the clouds, airships and planes to get around. Really nice place. Full of adventure." And there again he found himself wishing he could fly again. The wind howling about him, nothing but the clouds for company, and the whole sky ahead to move about in as he pleased. Walls were tolerable and often necessary, so he never felt cramped out surrounded indoors, but compared to the freedom of the air, well... "You said you were from a Morte world? Which one?"