[@Hokum] [i]-Donny pushed the plate to the floor and crossed his arms. He looked rather pissed off. He wasn't. It had been a personality test. He'd wanted to see if she was the jumpy sort who'd teleport off at the first sign of trouble, if her paranoia might prevent him from digging his claws in. This brashness was beyond his expectations though. Perhaps she wanted to record herself getting a rise out of him, something that'd stand in a case against him. Not that he intended to stay long.-[/i] [b]"Hmph. Guess yah don't have faith in meh, regardless of why yah be actin' like yah ain't no professional. An' hee-yah yah are, thinkin' Ah'm anythin' more'n a foreign bounty huntah who got lost 'n found. Yah even tryin' for ah fight with someone who ain't in court? Ya don't believe in miracles eithah, do yah?"[/b] [i]-He unfolded his arms, and in his right hand was a roll of quarters, the wrapping split at the top. He put his thumb upon the top coin, carefully angled the roll sideways, and with a neat flick sent the quarter rolling across the floor. It circled around Fanny and her chair before wobbling to a stop before the toe of Donny's left shoe, having made a full circuit before it fell flat. Donny eyed the mounted weapons for any tells as he carried on.-[/i] [b]"Hee-yah's a lil personal proverb Ah'll share with yah mah'm. All coins are trick coins. But even then, in what do men trust?"[/b]