[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmI1MjRmZi5RVzVoYzNSaGMybGhJRUpzWVdOcmQyVnNiQSwsLjA,/stingray.regular.png[/img] [img]http://sweetytextmessages.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Sad-Gif-with-Crying-People-3.gif[/img][/center] Anastasia let out a small squeak as the male suddenly jerked them into reverse, in only moments taking them out of the parking lot and onto the road. Letting out a shaky breath, she quickly fastened her seatbelt and leaned back against the seat, taking a moment to allow her wildly beating heart to calm down. Once they had been driving for a moment, his reply to her question caused her to wince a bit. She frowned and looked out the window for a moment, willing herself to not get offended by how he snapped at her. His next words caused her to turn and look at him with a look of sympathy, many have lost someone today, and not just today but it seems many will lose someone in the days to come. Looking forward for a moment, Ana let out a small sigh and nodded a bit. “[color=a187be]I’m sorry you had to lose someone like this.[/color]” Her eyes then slid back to look at him for a moment longer. “[color=a187be]As much as i hate to admit it, yes we were. We went to Highschool and College together. We were kinda like rivals all that time, even agreed to go to the same program together both to save lives and to see who was better in a sense..[/color]” She paused blinking in confusion as she lifted her hand to her face, just now realizing she had began to cry. “[color=a187be]He was like a brother to me..but i would rather him be permanently dead than to go around like one of those…[i]things.[/i][/color]” She sighed softly, shaking her head. “[color=a187be]What about you?[/color]”