[center][h2][u][b]The Convoluted Plane[/b][/u][/h2] [I]In a distant world, mechanical Gods toil in creating a perfect reality, but their creators neglected to inhibit the limits of their creations. The realm was once one of pristine order, a place of certainties, where doubt and hope had been expunged by its ever expanding patterns. But these patterns grew more and more complex, more contrived, more ridiculous. Concepts such as day and night became hidden behind fortifications of information that only grew thicker. They have become incomprehensible to everything; locked in a never ending vortex of algorithms only they understand. They have twisted their realm into a distorted hell of insane order. The only places habitable to life are those the Gods have long since abandoned. The Gods constantly press forwards as redundancies are made and projects abandoned. Free from constant change, a measure of stability was allowed to take hold in these areas. Either coming from the cosmic scrap itself, or vagrants shambling away from the Gods workshops, life arose in these areas. Eventually, sentence was achieved, and with it civilizations of all shapes and forms. They persist for their own reasons and beliefs while the literial borders of reality are torn and re-knit by the whims of reality bending things.[/I] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello there and thanks you checking this out. So, the desire behind creating this interest check for a world that can seemingly have anything come out of it is so I can see just that. I love seeing others ideas and detest putting restrictions on such. In particular, discussing such ideas and how they interact with those of others. In other words, I don't have a set world, plot, or story at the moment. What I want to do, with those interested in such an idea, is discuss what they want out of a story and make one together from those wants and ideas. I don't particular care for how skilled you at writing, as long as your willing to discuss things. We can ignore the preface if we want to. We can do whatever we want really. [h3]TL:DR - who wants to talk about the things they like and make a story out of it?[/h3] [/center]