Shiranui followed and stealthily leaped up into the trees, secretly calling Saisei out as he thought he could recognise the woman in the Ninetales mask. "[i]That's the lady poacher from the Pikachu Valley alright,[/i]" Saisei corroborated to the rest of the heroes. "It doesn't seem logical that a poacher is fighting other poachers," Shiranui whispered to Saisei. "[i]I see the logic,[/i]" the Mewtwo countered, this time on a separate line of telepathy, "[i]When money is involved, a lot of humans use whatever means necessary to complete their mission to get it. However, from what I can read out of Veronica's mind, the path of evil she walks is a path she was coerced into by her father.[/i]" "Then we should help get her back onto the right path," Shiranui replied, committing Veronica's name into memory, "For now, we stand by and let our friends help her out." Saisei nodded in agreement before covertly placing Barriers around and over the clearing in case the poachers tried to make a quick getaway.